In a SALTO SALLIS integration, the Synergis™ unit connects to the SALLIS locks through a wireless router that is connected to its IP channel or one of its RS-485 channels. Each SALLIS lock is viewed as an interface module.
The following SALTO SALLIS devices are supported in Synergis™ Softwire
11.4.3 and in
Synergis™ Cloud Link 2.0.4 and later.
Model | Description | Supported firmware |
SALLISROUTER RS485 | SALLIS RS-485 router connecting the Synergis unit to the wireless (RF) communication
nodes. IMPORTANT: Not to be confused with SALLISROUT485-01, which we
do not support.
01.21 |
SALLISROUTER POE | SALLIS PoE router connecting the Synergis unit to the wireless (RF) communication nodes. | 01.23 |
SALLISNODE | SALLIS RF communication node between the SALLIS router and the SALLIS lock system. It works with both the RS-485 and the PoE routers. | 02.00 |
Salto SALLIS lock | SALLIS lock system used to control the physical access to a premise. | 02.01 |
IMPORTANT: After changing the battery on the lock, always re-initialize it and
restart the router.