Supported SALTO SALLIS hardware in Synergis Softwire 11.4.3 - Synergis Softwire 11.4.3

Synergis™ Softwire Integration Guide 11.4.3

Synergis™ Softwire
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Guides > Integration guides
Last updated

In a SALTO SALLIS integration, the Synergis™ unit connects to the SALLIS locks through a wireless router that is connected to its IP channel or one of its RS-485 channels. Each SALLIS lock is viewed as an interface module.

The following SALTO SALLIS devices are supported in Synergis™ Softwire 11.4.3 and in Synergis™ Cloud Link 2.0.4 and later.
Model Description Supported firmware
SALLISROUTER RS485 SALLIS RS-485 router connecting the Synergis unit to the wireless (RF) communication nodes.
IMPORTANT: Not to be confused with SALLISROUT485-01, which we do not support.
SALLISROUTER POE SALLIS PoE router connecting the Synergis unit to the wireless (RF) communication nodes. 01.23
SALLISNODE SALLIS RF communication node between the SALLIS router and the SALLIS lock system. It works with both the RS-485 and the PoE routers. 02.00
Salto SALLIS lock SALLIS lock system used to control the physical access to a premise. 02.01
IMPORTANT: After changing the battery on the lock, always re-initialize it and restart the router.