What's new in Synergis™ Softwire 11.3.0 - Synergis™ Softwire 11.3.0

Synergis™ Softwire Release Notes 11.3.0

Synergis™ Softwire
Content type
Release notes
Last updated

Synergis™ Softwire 11.3.0 includes the following enhancements.

Security enhancements

Forced password change in the Synergis™ Appliance Portal
If you use the default password to log on to the Synergis™ Appliance Portal with the administrator or service account, you are forced to change the password before you can proceed.

For more information, see Logging on to the Synergis™ appliance.

AutoVu™ SharpV integration enhancements

New firmware certifications for Synergis™ Softwire
Synergis™ Softwire 11.3.0 is now compatible with the following:
  • SharpOS 13.5.0 for AutoVu™ SharpV G2
  • SharpOS 14.0.2 for AutoVu™ SharpV G3

For more information, see Supported AutoVu™ Sharp cameras in Synergis™ Softwire 11.3.

Mercury integration enhancements

New Capabilities report page in the Synergis™ Appliance Portal
You can now use the Capabilities report page in the Synergis™ Appliance Portal to help detect and troubleshoot issues on the Mercury controllers enrolled in your system. The new page gives you an overview of the state, feature usage, and event logs for each of your controllers. You can also download a CSV file containing the current feature usage of each controller.

For more information, see About the Capabilities report page in the Synergis™ Appliance Portal.

Updated Mercury controller settings page
The Mercury controller settings page now has a navigation pane to facilitate finding the section of settings you need to modify.

There is now also a new Visitor escort rule and two-person rule section, where you can modify the Maximum delay between card presentations option for all doors controller by Mercury controllers.

For more information, see Configuring Mercury controller settings in the Synergis™ Appliance Portal.