Synergis™ Softwire 11.3.1 includes the following known limitations.
Interface module | Issue | First reported in | Description |
All | 2814411 | 11.2.0 | Global antipassback does not work with more than 50,000 cardholders. |
All | 2239265 | 11.0.0 | Applying a Cumulative Security Rollup on a Synergis™ Cloud
Link with a production image earlier than 3.5 fails
silently. Workaround: Install the Windows Management 5.1 package before
installing the Cumulative Security Rollup.
All | 1572489 | 10.7 GA | In Security Center 5.7 SR2 and later,
when a hardware zone arming input goes into a trouble state, it leaves the zone in a
state where some other transition events might no longer work. Workaround: Set the arming input to a normal state, then make it active again to rearm the
zone after the input enters a trouble state.
All | 790023 | 10.6 GA | When a door is in maintenance mode, setting a threat level with security clearance has no effect, so the door remains unlocked. |
All | 2150593 | 10.3 GA | Synergis™ Appliance Portal: units running
Softwire 10.3 cannot be upgraded using the
portal. Workaround: Log on to the legacy portal at
https://<IP address>/smc/upgrade.html to run the
All | 501667 | 10.2 GA | Hardware configuration modifications cause all interfaces on same channel to briefly disconnect from the Synergis™ unit. |
All | 350658 | 10.1 GA | Threat level with security clearance: If a door has a configuration modification when a threat level is active, the unlock schedule is not reapplied on that door when the threat level is deactivated. |
All | 226680 | 10.0 GA | Interlock: On an area with interlock enabled, if a door is configured to
automatically grant REX, the system cannot prevent that door from unlocking on REX
if another door is still open. Workaround: For Mercury controllers,
starting in Synergis™
Softwire 11.1, you can enable the
Mercury native area control setting in Synergis™ Appliance Portal to use interlock
All | 224112 | 10.0 GA | When the two-person rule is in effect, the reader LED remains lit in red instead of flashing red and green, until the second person presents their credential. Mercury controllers are the exception; they set the reader LED to green while waiting for the second credential. |
All | 200575 | 10.0 GA | When the first-person-in rule is enforced on schedules with multiple time
intervals, the Supervisor in event is not generated if the supervisor arrives
before the end of the current time interval, even if it is within the
On-site time offset value. Workaround: This
limitation does not prevent the restriction from being cleared. To generate the
Supervisor in event every time it is needed, ensure that the gaps between
time intervals are larger than the On-site time offset
value, or only use schedules with a single time interval.
All | 193873 | 10.0 GA | In areas where visitors need escorts, the visitors are immediately denied access when they use their invalid credentials, such as unknown card or wrong PIN, instead of waiting for the escorts to present their valid credentials. Furthermore, if the escorts present their credentials immediately after the visitors have presented theirs, the system grants the escorts access as sole users, not escorts to visitors. |
All | 184882 | SMC 2.2 SR1 | Synergis™ Appliance Portal: After restarting the
system, the output relays that are not configured on doors are shown in an unknown
state in the I/O Diagnostics page. Workaround: Click
each output relay to either set or clear them.
All | 167814 | SMC 2.2 GA | Synergis™ Appliance Portal: When Synergis™ Softwire is used for elevator control and the Free access is when the output relay is option for the elevator entity is set to NORMAL in Security Center, the output states are shown as the opposite of the actual relay states in the I/O diagnostics page. |
All | 87967 | SMC 2.0 LA | After a hardware restart due to battery failure, the Synergis™ unit clock is reset. When the unit reconnects to the Access Manager, events that are triggered have incorrect timestamps. Access Manager synchronizes the current date and time with the Synergis™ unit, and the unit reconnects a second time. |
All | 83911 | SMC 2.0 LA | Custom input values from any interface module are used only when the input is configured as 4-state supervised in Config Tool. |
Allegion Schlage ENGAGE IP | 2821885 | 11.2.0 | The door lock state of FE410 Control locks is always displayed as locked in Security Center regardless of the deadbolt state. |
Aperio | 2432257 | 10.11 SR1 | When a door with an Aperio G100 digital lock is on an unlock schedule, the door does not go back to the unlocked state when the deadbolt is unlocked after being locked. |
Aperio | 258795 | 10.0 GA | Aperio: If the lock is tampered, it becomes offline after approximately 2 minutes and remains offline until the tampering condition is cleared. |
Aperio | 153716 | SMC 2.2 LA | Aperio: Standard door, REX, and deadbolt events such as Door opened, Door closed, Request to exit, and Deadbolt unlocked are not reported in Security Desk when the Aperio door is unlocked. |
Assa Abloy IP | 2673023 | 11.2.1 | When the lock is in passage mode, the Override unlock schedule action in Security Desk does not override the state of the door lock. |
Assa Abloy IP | 600479 | 10.3 GA | Assa Abloy IP locks: The door property When door is unlocked by schedule: Ignore 'Door open too long' events is not applied in some cases. |
Assa Abloy IP | 540427 | 10.2 GA | Assa Abloy IP locks: When a new valid credential is badged on a legacy WiFi P2 Cylindrical lock, sometimes a second badge is required to unlock the door. |
Assa Abloy IP | 260606 | 10.2 GA | Assa Abloy IP locks: When set to relock on close, the door relocks after the grant time expires if held open. |
Assa Abloy IP | 336228 | 10.1 GA | Assa Abloy IP locks: The maximum entry time allowed for a Card and PIN mode is 256 seconds. This amount is lower than the maximum of 999 allowed in the entry field. |
Assa Abloy IP | 118015 | SMC 2.1 LA | Assa Abloy IP locks: Door locks immediately upon opening, even if a lock relay delay is configured for the lock. |
Assa Abloy IP | 111055 | SMC 2.1 LA | Assa Abloy IP locks: The Trigger output action is not supported. |
Assa Abloy IP | 110169 | SMC 2.1 LA | Assa Abloy IP WiFi locks: Door opened and Door closed events are not supported. |
Assa Abloy IP | 109323 | SMC 2.1 LA | Assa Abloy IP locks: During door unlock schedules, no event is triggered in Security Desk when you present a valid PROX or MAGSTRIPE card. |
Assa Abloy IP | 109009 | SMC 2.1 LA | Assa Abloy IP locks: If a key is used to open the lock, the Door forced open event is reported instead of the Key override event. |
Assa Abloy IP | 108940 | SMC 2.1 LA | Assa Abloy IP locks: For locks with internal door sensors, the Door open too long event is sometimes reported twice. |
Assa Abloy IP | 108731 | SMC 2.1 LA | Assa Abloy IP locks: When a new unlock schedule is added to a door while the door is locked by an unlock schedule override, the door unlocks for a few seconds. |
Assa Abloy IP | 108330 | SMC 2.1 LA | Assa Abloy IP locks: When you override unlock schedules, the time stamp of the scheduled lock event is different from the time the door is locked. |
AutoVu™ | 2552629 | 11.1.0 | Adding a SharpV unit on the Hardware page in Synergis™ Appliance Portal does not work if the username contains capital letters. |
Axis | 2426030 | 11.0.0 | The reader LED does not blink red and green while in Door Forced (DFO) or Door Held Open (DHO) alarm. |
Axis | 2415657 | 11.0.0 | Axis A1601: The Door Monitor input is electrically 4-State Supervised, but when in the Cut or Short state, the Door Monitor input is reported as Trouble Open in Security Center. |
Axis | 2341278 | 10.11 GA | Door forced open and Door held open events are not generated for readerless doors. |
Axis | 2121955 | 10.9 GA | OSDP readers configured
to a baud rate other than 9600 bps do not produce card reads. Workaround: Set the reader to 9600 bps.
Axis | 1770320 | 10.9 GA | Axis A1001: On a door set to relock after opening, the event is only triggered when the door closes even though the lock behaves as configured. |
Axis | 723441 | 10.6 GA | Axis A1001: A door that is already open can only be unlocked by manually unlocking it in Security Center. |
Axis | 780112 | 10.4 GA | Axis A1001: Door open too long events are duplicated if they are triggered while the unit is offline. |
Axis | 771427 | 10.4 GA | When access is denied while the unit is offline, only a generic Access denied event is reported when the unit returns online. The reason for the denied access is lost. |
Axis | 727550 | 10.4 GA | Axis A1001: Outputs are shown as Active in Config Tool when a door is opened and set to relock n seconds after opening, even though the outputs are in the Normal state. |
Axis | 691056 | 10.4 GA | Config Tool: Axis OSDP readers are shown as Wiegand readers in the Peripherals page. |
Axis | 216548 | 10.1 GA | Axis: A reboot of the Streamvault appliance is required when adding an Axis controller on a port other than the default one. |
Axis | 154997 | 10.0 GA | Axis: A credential that uses an unknown bit-count can be interpreted as an existing credential that uses a longer bit-count. |
Axis | 148367 | SMC 2.2 LA | When a reader is running in mode 14, the controller rejects PINs lower than 128. |
BEST Wi-Q | 2981102 | 11.3.1 | If a BEST Wi-Q controller loses connection with the gateway for 24 hours, it
only comes back online when daily polling occurs. Workaround: If you do not
want to wait for the daily polling time to reconnect, you can force polling to
occur by badging an invalid card six times, or entering an invalid PIN six times
on the lock. Alternatively, you can power cycle the lock by removing the
batteries, waiting five minutes, and then reinserting them.
BEST Wi-Q | 2973721 | 11.3.1 | By default, there is a sixty-second delay when manually unlocking doors from Security Desk that is dependent on the beacon time configured through the BEST Wi-Q gateway. Decreasing the beacon time decreases the battery life of the BEST Wi-Q lock. |
DDS | 254359 | 10.0 GA | DDS: When the module is disconnected from the Synergis™ unit, the reader LED does not stay green on Access granted for the whole duration of the grant time. |
DDS | 213188 | 10.0 GA | When more credentials are pushed to the DDS module than its memory chip can handle (maximum is 20,000), no error is received. |
DDS | 69241 | SMC 2.0 LA | When a DDS controller is disconnected from the Synergis™ unit, connected readers that are in Card and PIN mode grant access without the PIN. |
HID | 2142668 | 10.8 SR1 | When the HID PIV Authentication mode type is set to passthrough mode (mode 0) at the door, pivClass readers do not return card reads. |
HID | 2055777 | 10.10 GA | HID
rev E readers: If the serial numbers of two OSDP readers differ only by their
leftmost digits, both will have the same unique identifier (UID) in Security Center. In this case, using the UID as an
identifier for key storage causes a conflict while attempting to pair the readers
for Encrypted communication. Workaround: Use fixed keys rather than random
HID | 118358 | SMC 2.1 LA | For locks controlled by HID VertX modules, door unlock schedules are temporarily ignored upon the unit restarting. |
Honeywell & Mercury | 284415 | 11.1.0 | When turning door maintenance on or off, the state of the lock relay changes several times before the change is applied. |
Honeywell & Mercury | 2098922 | 10.9 GA | Elevators: For an elevator floor that is in free access when a Cardholder badges on the cabin reader, the Mercury controller reports an Access Granted event regardless of access rules assigned to floors. The floor outputs behave correctly according to access rules and schedules. |
Honeywell & Mercury | 380352 | 10.1 GA | When an input or an output is used by both a door and a zone, including outputs linked through event-to-actions, the zone does not work. |
Honeywell & Mercury | 358779 | 10.1 GA | If the option to automatically grant REX is disabled, the door does not unlock, but the Door unlocked message is still generated. |
Honeywell & Mercury | 285124 | 10.1 GA | If a reader is shunted while the door is forced opened, the Door forced open event is cleared. |
Honeywell & Mercury | 252908 | 10.0 GA | When the controller is disconnected from the Synergis™ unit, access decisions become slow for 15 to 20 seconds. |
Honeywell & Mercury | 252310 | 10.0 GA | The PIN entry timeout setting is fixed at 10 seconds, regardless of the value you set in Config Tool. |
Honeywell & Mercury | 246610 | 10.0 GA | When the EP controller is not connected to the Synergis™ unit, the Access granted events follow the timestamps of the Door locked events instead of the Door unlocked events. |
Honeywell & Mercury | 217785 | 10.0 GA | Assigned REX inputs do not show their state change in the Synergis™ Appliance Portal
I/O diagnostics page or the Config
Peripherals page. Workaround: Monitor these inputs
through the doors that they are assigned to in Security
Mercury | 2938709 | 11.3.0 | The PIN value is not included in Access granted and Access denied events for Mercury controllers. |
Mercury | 2862470 | 11.2.1 | When you create a hardware zone using a Mercury input that is offline, the
Active state event you configured on the Properties
page of that zone is triggered. Workaround: Do one of the following:
Mercury | 2697326 | 11.2.0 | When an interlock area is accessed by a REX, the interlock might not be applied
correctly if the Door opened event is received before the Door locked
event. Workaround: Use Mercury's native interlock feature by enabling the
Mercury native area control option in the Synergis™
Synergis™ Appliance Portal.
Mercury | 2596313 | 11.1.0 | If you enable Mercury Extended grant time REX mode, the door locks at the end of an unlock schedule, regardless of the REX state. |
Mercury | 2542369 | 11.1.0 | Interlock behavior is not applied on doors that have the two-person rule enabled, unless the Mercury native area control setting is enabled in the Synergis™ Appliance Portal. |
Mercury | 2109129 | 11.1.0 | Even though the max occupancy limit of an area should only allow one more cardholder to enter, a visitor and their escort are both granted access. |
Mercury | 2360545 | 10.11 GA | After upgrading Synergis™ Softwire from 10.7 to 10.9 or later, Mercury EP controllers might be reset and the configuration repushed. |
Mercury | 2344201 | 11.0.0 | A door with two-person rule controlled by Mercury hardware requires credentials to be finished synchronizing to the Mercury controller to grant access. |
Mercury | 2243747 | 10.11 GA | When Classroom door mode and the two-person rule are both configured on the door, one of them does not work. |
Mercury | 2100209 | 10.11 GA | The Door open too long event is not triggered while the door is unlocked by an unlock schedule or when the schedule ends, and the door is already open. |
Mercury | 2211589 | 10.10 GA | The Maximum delay between card presentations setting
from Config
Tool is not applied. The
value is fixed at 15 seconds for all Mercury controllers. Workaround: Starting in Synergis™
Softwire 11.3, you can change the
value for all Mercury controllers from the Mercury controller
settings page in the Synergis™ Appliance Portal.
Mercury | 2156352 | 10.10 GA | Allegion Schlage: After cardholder or credential synchronization, REX events are logged, but do not always show up in the Monitoring task. |
Mercury | 2223887 | 10.9 SR1 | Upgrading a Synergis™ unit to version 10.9 SR1 or later can cause a Mercury hardware reset. All events generated from the moment of the reset until the Mercury controllers are back online are lost. |
Mercury | 2211587 | 10.9 SR1 | A cardholder with multiple card credentials can use two of them on the same door to bypass the two-person rule. |
Mercury | 1957467 | 10.9 GA | Mercury EP4502 with TI EntryPoint plugin and Veridt PIV reader: Presenting a valid card might trigger reader errors. |
Mercury | 1678748 | 10.9 GA | When running TI EntryPoint on an EP4502, disconnecting the controller from the Synergis™ unit and leaving it offline for several days does not cause PIV cards to expire. |
Mercury | 1892852 | 10.8 GA | Mercury EP4502: The Mercury controller resets after Synergis™ Softwire 10.5 is upgraded to a later version, which might cause delays between a card read and Door unlocked event, while the data is being synchronized to the controller. |
Mercury | 258707 | 10.7 GA | When set to Card or PIN, if a cardholder only has a PIN credential, that
credential is not synched to the EP controller and does not work. Workaround: Create and assign the cardholder a dummy card
Mercury | 1350397 | 10.6 GA | Allegion Schlage AD-400 or LE: In apartment mode, an Access granted event while the door is locked unlocks the door and set Apartment: On, but the door does not stay unlocked. |
Mercury | 1350376 | 10.6 GA | After an EP2500 power cycles, Allegion Schlage AD-400 and LE locks with extended door modes report mode:on, though the mode is off until the next transition. |
Mercury | 385565 | 10.1 GA | Mercury: M5-2RP and M5-2SRP readers do not work in supervised F2F mode. Workaround: Short DISP and WD1 connections on the reader port.
Mercury | 358327 | 10.1 GA | Mercury-M5: Supervised reader inputs (door contact and REX) are working as non-supervised inputs for the F2F 940 Casi-Rusco readers. |
Mercury | 217770 | 10.0 GA | Neither entry sensors nor multiple door lock outputs are supported by Mercury EP controllers. |
RIO | 2230424 | 10.10 GA | Door entities managed by RIO devices: When Access Granted is produced by an OfflineDecision call, entry is assumed regardless of whether or not the door was opened or the entry sensor was activated. |
SALLIS | 165400 | SMC 2.2 GA | SALTO SALLIS: To unlock with a key, the key must be turned halfway, but the key sensor is not triggered. To trigger the key sensor, the key must be turned 180 degrees, but the door does not unlock. |
SALLIS | 163681 | SMC 2.2 GA | Synergis™ Appliance Portal-SALTO SALLIS: New locks that are added with encryption enabled appear offline (in red) until encryption is properly configured on the SALTO channel. |
SALLIS | 147765 | SMC 2.2 GA | SALTO SALLIS: None of the timeouts (Standard grant time, Access time, Extended grant time, lock relay, and so on) configured in Security Center and Synergis™ Softwire apply to the SALLIS lock. The lock only supports the concept of grant time (default is 6 seconds) and it must be set in the SALLIS application (see the Synergis™ Softwire Integration Guide for SALTO SALLIS Wireless Locks). |
SALLIS | 147232 | SMC 2.2 GA | SALTO SALLIS: The Request to exit events are not always shown in the Security Desk Monitoring task, because the lock only reports them once every 40 seconds. |
Synergis™ IX | 2990788 | 11.3.0 | Offline expanders on Synergis™ IX controllers
cause module restart messages to be generated on the Intrusion Manager every
minute. Workaround: Delete expanders that are not physically
Synergis™ IX | 2967251 | 11.3.0 | When using RS-485 readers on Synergis™ IX,
26-bit credentials might be reported as 34-bit credentials. Workaround: You
can enroll the same card data as a 34-bit credential and it will work
Synergis™ IX | 2047917 | 11.3.0 | For Synergis™ IX controllers, if you force open a door, and leave it open, the Door open too long event is not generated because the Forced open state has a higher priority alarm condition than the Left open state. |
Synergis™ IX | 2315885 | 10.11 GA | When you enter a valid PIN on a Synergis™ IX
panel, the message No Keypad Area Group defined is displayed, even though the
keypad area group does not need to be defined. Workaround: Add a door
entity under your area so that the PIN is synchronized.
Synergis™ IX | 2315882 | 10.11 GA | If no DHCP server is available on your network when the Synergis™ IX unit is powered on, the unit might not use the expected default address. |
Synergis™ IX | 2229917 | 10.11 GA | All Synergis™ IX units are added to the first Intrusion Manager role when enrolled; there is no load balancing. The number of intrusion units and devices you can have on one system is limited to the number that a single Intrusion Manager can support, which is about 300 units with 80 devices. |
Synergis™ IX | 2188777 | 10.11 GA | When multiple cardholders badge in, but the door only opens once, only the last cardholder appears in the People counting task. |
Synergis™ IX | 2159003 | 10.10 GA | ABA credentials are not recognized over Wiegand. |
Synergis™ IX | 2047499 | 10.10 GA | Logging in at a keypad does not show a login event in the Security Center Monitoring task. |
Synergis™ IX | 2047303 | 10.10 GA | Synergis™ IX readers: After entering a duress PIN at the door reader, the duress event is triggered; no other duress events can be generated from the reader until a non-duress Access granted event occurs. |
Synergis™ IX | 2046998 | 10.10 GA | Synergis™ IX intrusion keypads: After entering a duress PIN at the keypad, the duress event is triggered; no other duress events can be generated from the keypad until another cardholder enters a non-duress PIN. |
Synergis™ IX | 2026254 | 10.11 GA | If there are no cardholders with cards of a supported format in any access
rules on a Synergis™ IX unit, access is not granted
when a valid PIN is entered on its Wiegand readers. Workaround: Create a
cardholder with a card of a supported format and an access rule that never has a
valid schedule.
Synergis™ IX | 2046982 | 10.10 GA | The Synergis™ IX intrusion keypad only registers the first eight digits of a cardholder's PIN, even though the keypad reader accepts all digits. This results in two admissible PINs at the intrusion keypad. |
Synergis™ IX | 2026672 | 10.10 GA | If you configure a reader's Arming Mode field on the Reader Expander page of the Synergis™ IX controller web portal, the reader performs the configured action even if the door is set to maintenance mode in Security Center. |
Synergis™ IX | 1968897 | 10.10 GA | Access denied events for out-of-schedule access rules are not reported on the exit reader. |
Synergis™ IX | 1959763 | 10.10 GA | When a door with a Synergis™ IX controller switches the Unlocked for maintenance option from ON to OFF, it sends both Scheduled lock and Scheduled unlock events. |
Synergis™ IX | 1956962 | 10.10 GA | Making configuration changes from the Synergis™ IX interface web portal causes the interface to momentarily drop offline in Security Center as the configuration reloads. |
Synergis™ IX | 1952529 | 10.10 GA | If an area is in an alarm state, silencing the alarm also disarms it. |
Synergis™ IX | 1903929 | 10.10 GA | For cardholders with multiple PINS in Security Center, only one them gets synchronized to the Synergis™ IX controller. |