Known issues in Synergis Softwire 11.5.0 - Synergis Softwire 11.5.0

Synergis™ Softwire Release Notes 11.5.0

Synergis Softwire
Content type
Release notes
Last updated

Synergis™ Softwire 11.5.0 includes the following known issues.

Known issues first reported in Synergis Softwire 11.5

Interface module Issue First reported in Description
All 3885135 11.5.0 A peer can only receive live events from peers that it can communicate directly with.
Axis 3411680 11.5.0 Cloning an Axis interface does not work.
Synergis IX 3842742 11.5.0 OSDP readers in Synergis IX controller setups are always displayed as online in Security Center, even when they are not online.
Synergis IX 3675902 11.5.0 In the Hardware inventory task, the Reader encryption status for Synergis IX readers is Unknown because their security status is not reported to Security Center.

Known issues first reported in Synergis Softwire 11.4

Interface module Issue First reported in Description
All 3427564 11.4.2 On a Legacy Synergis™ Cloud Link unit, after enabling the NTP server, there is no pop-up message to remind you that a software restart is needed.
Workaround: Remember to perform a software restart after enabling the NTP server in the Synergis™ Appliance Portal.
All 3164681 11.4.0 Enrolling a Synergis Cloud Link unit with IPv6 while peer-to-peer is enabled on the Access Manager prevents its peers to connect to it.
Axis 3188315 11.4.0 Incorrect Door locked event timestamp when the door is configured to lock immediately after it opens. The door is locked at the right time, but the timestamp shows that it is locked only when the door closes.
Mercury 3337558 11.4.0 When a door is configured to relock after X seconds, the Door locked event timestamp indicates when the door was opened, not when it physically relocked.
Synergis IX 3296749 11.4.3 You cannot add a Synergis IX unit to a Synergis Cloud Link unit using a name for the Synergis IX unit that contains a number sign (#).
Synergis IX 3225426 11.4.0 The reader LED flashes continuously if the wrong I/O is associated to the wrong reader.
Workaround: Use the following wiring:
  • Door 1 must use the reader port 1 and output 1 as the door lock, and inputs 1 - 4 for REX and door sensor.
  • Door 2 must use the reader port 2 and output 2 as the door lock, and inputs 5 - 8 for REX and door sensor.

Known issues first reported in Synergis Softwire 11.3

Interface module Issue First reported in Description
BEST Wi-Q 3074763 11.3.1 When passage mode is enabled, Door forced open events are generated every time the door is open.
Workaround: Disable Door forced open events in Security Desk if passage mode is enabled.
SALLIS 3224198 11.3.4 Double-badge activation does not work with the SALTO SALLIS integration in Synergis Softwire 11.3 and 11.4.
Workaround: Override the unlock schedule, and then cancel the override. The lock is in access control mode if no unlock schedule is active.

Known issues first reported in Synergis Softwire 11.2

Known issues that were first reported in Synergis Softwire 11.2 have been fixed or no longer apply in Synergis Softwire 11.5.0.