About this guide - Transaction Finder

Transaction Finder Integration Guide for a GK Software Parser

Transaction Finder
Content type
Guides > Integration guides
Last updated

Learn how to connect Security Center to a GK Software parser using the Transaction Finder plugin.

This guide supplements the Transaction Finder Plugin Guide. It assumes that you are a certified user of Security Center, Synergis™, and Omnicast™, and that you are familiar with the configuration and use of the following:
  • Security Center systems
  • Transaction Finder plugin
  • The point-of-sale system from which you are importing transaction data
  • Elasticsearch®  databases

For specific information regarding third-party hardware, software, and systems, refer to their manufacturer’s documentation and website.

To get your certification, refer to our list of Security Center courses at https://www.genetec.com/support/training/certification-courses.

Notes and notices

The following notes and notices might appear in this guide:
Suggests how to apply the information in a topic or step.
Explains a special case or expands on an important point.
Points out critical information concerning a topic or step.
Indicates that an action or step can cause loss of data, security problems, or performance issues.
Indicates that an action or step can result in physical harm, or cause damage to hardware.
IMPORTANT: Content in this guide that references information found on third-party websites was accurate at the time of publication, however, this information is subject to change without prior notice from Genetec Inc.