To monitor individual cash registers, you add them as entities in Security
Before you begin
- Add your point-of-sale system in Security
- Check the parser's connection configuration page: get the tenant ID and location ID of
the cash registers, also confirm with the location is added to the terminal ID.
- If the parser includes the Location ID in the Terminal ID field, then the location ID
field must be provided for each cash register.
From the Config
Tool home page, open the
Plugins task.
Click Add an entity and select Cash
A cash register entity (

) appears in the
Area view task.
Select the cash register from the entity browser, then click on the
Properties tab.
If the parser includes the location in the terminal ID, in the Location
ID field, enter a unique identifier for the store or region.
If the parser excludes the location from the Terminal ID, you can leave the
Location ID filed empty.
In the Terminal ID field, enter the identifier of the cash
Click Apply.