Data types in Transaction Finder reports - Transaction Finder 3.1

Transaction Finder Plugin Guide 3.1

Transaction Finder
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

The following table lists the different types of data you might find in a transaction.

Data type Description
Department The department where the transaction took place.
Description The description of the transaction.
Location ID The identifier of the location where the transaction took place.
Reference ID The identifier used to refer to another transaction.
Segment index An order number that organizes transactions within the same sequence ID. This is not used by all parsers.
Sequence ID The identifier used for a set of multiple transactions that are linked together. This is not used by all parsers.
Sub type Adds further details to the type of transaction.
Tag A keyword that is associated to the transaction.
Tenant ID Identifier for multiple sites within an organization.
Terminal ID The cash register where the transaction took place.
Total amount The total amount of the transaction.
Total lines The number of items scanned or entered for this transaction.
Transaction ID Unique identifier for the transaction.
Type Defines the type of transaction made.
Action code A code associated with an action that takes place during a transaction.
Action type A string of text that describes actions happened on the POS system at the time of the transaction.
Category The category that the items belongs to.
Discount amount The amount discounted from the item or total transaction.
Discount code The code number for any discount applied to the transaction.
Item amount The cost of the item before discounts.
Item description A description of the item purchased.
Item number The SKU or item code that applies to the item.
Item sub type More details about the type of item.
Item total amount The total value of the transaction line.
Item type Details about the type of item.
Line number A number that indicates the sequence in which this item was scanned at the cash register.
Quantity The number of items purchased.
Raw The raw line received from the point-of-sale system.
Sales tax The amount of sales tax applied to the item.
Tag A keyword that is associated to the item.
Operator ID The ID number of the operator who processed the transaction.
Operator name The name of the operator who processed the transaction.
Trainee Indicates whether the cash register was in training mode when the transaction took place.
Elapsed time The amount of time taken to process the transaction.
End date and time The date and time that the transaction ended.
End time The time that the transaction ended.
Start date and time The date and time that the transaction started.
Start time The time that the transaction started.