Unblocking your Elasticsearch index - Transaction Finder 3.1

Transaction Finder Plugin Guide 3.1

Transaction Finder
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

If the disk where your Elasticsearch index resides reaches its capacity threshold, the index will automatically switch to read-only mode.

What you should know

  • The capacity threshold of disks is set to 90% by default.
  • When your Elasticsearch index switches to read-only mode, the plugin role turns yellow and you receive the following warning:

    Due to low disk space, indexes are in read-only mode. To enable read-write mode, you must free up disk space and click Unblock indexes.

  • When your Elasticsearch index switches to read-only mode, incoming transaction data will be stored in SQL, and will not be accessible for reports.
  • When your Elasticsearch index switches to read-only mode, the Monitoring task is Security Desk is not affected.


  1. Clear space on the disk where your Elasticsearch index resides.
  2. From the Config Tool home page, open the Plugins task.
  3. In the Plugins task, select the plugin role from the entity browser, and click the Properties tab.
  4. Click the Unblock indexes button.


The plugin role returns to its normal state and the Elasticsearch index is switched to read-write mode.