Automating video monitoring of module events from UTC Advisor Master and Advanced panels - UTC Advisor Master and Advanced 3.1

UTC Advisor Master and Advanced Intrusion Panel Extension Guide 3.1

UTC Advisor Master and Advanced
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

You can configure the intrusion unit to automatically show recipients the video related to a module event in the Monitoring task.

What you should know

For the camera to be displayed during an alarm, the Monitoring task and the Alarm monitoring task must be active.


  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Intrusion detection task.
  2. Expand the Intrusion Manager role from the entity browser, and then select the intrusion detection unit you want to configure.
  3. Click the Modules tab, and then select a module from the list.
  4. Add one or more Security Center users as recipients of the event:
    1. In the Entity on event section, select one or more event types: Tamper, AC, or Battery.
    2. Click Add () below the Recipient list.
    3. Select one or more users and user groups.
  5. Select the cameras to display in the Monitoring task when the event occurs.
    1. In the box below the Recipient box, click Add () and select one or more cameras.
    2. Select Live or Playback.
    3. If you selected Playback, enter the number of seconds before the event occurred to start playing video.
  6. Click Apply.


When the specified users are logged into Security Desk and the Monitoring task is active, the Monitoring task displays video from linked cameras.