How the Vanderbilt SPC extension works with Security Center - SPC intrusion panel 3.2

Vanderbilt SPC Intrusion Panel Extension Guide 3.2

SPC intrusion panel
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

SPC intrusion panels are integrated to Security Center using the Intrusion Manager role.

The Intrusion Manager role receives events from the panel over an IP network, reports them live in Security Desk, and logs them in a database for future reporting. The role also relays user commands to the panel (such as arming and disarming the intrusion detection areas), and triggers the outputs connected to the panel through event-to-actions (for example, an Intrusion detection area master armed event in Security Center can trigger an output on the panel).

How SPC inputs are monitored

It is recommended that you only use intrusion panels for intrusion monitoring. Intrusion panels are not designed to capture rapid consecutive changes to their input states, such as doors being opened and closed rapidly, or motion sensors that detect constant movements.

The main purpose of an input on an intrusion panel is to trigger an alarm when its state changes. When the input becomes active, the panel raises an alarm. Security Center uses this alarm to trigger an Intrusion detection area alarm activated event.