Limitations in the Vanderbilt SPC extension 3.2 - SPC intrusion panel 3.2

Vanderbilt SPC Intrusion Panel Extension Guide 3.2

SPC intrusion panel
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

The Vanderbilt SPC extension 3.2 includes the following known limitations.

Issue Description
388 Failover is not supported.
378 When the alarm state of an intrusion detection area is Active, you can physically silence the alarm, but the alarm state will remain as Active instead of changing to Silenced.

In the case of a connection loss, the Intrusion Manager will download the event logs from the SPC panel after the panel is reconnected. If the clock of the panel is not synchronized with the clock of the Security Center server, events will not be logged properly. For example, if the clock of the panel is slower, current events will not appear in the Monitoring task, and will be logged as offline events instead.

375 If an administrator deletes an enrolled intrusion detection unit (intrusion panel) from the Intrusion Manager, a new ATS configuration needs to be created using the SPC Pro application to enroll the panel again.
374 The Inhibit, Deinhibit, and Restore actions in SPC, are mapped to the Bypass, Clear bypass, and Restore actions, respectively, in Security Center. The Isolate and Deisolate actions are not supported in Security Center.
369 You can Perimeter arm an intrusion detection area to either Partset A or Partset B, but not to both.
366 The Force set action in SPC Pro is not available in Security Center.
271 When using Full Engineer Mode in SPC Pro, you cannot receive input state change events in Security Center.
246 SPC panels must have an IP connection.