Applying a video wall layout to a video wall - Video Wall 3.1

Video Wall Plugin Guide 3.1

Video Wall
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

You can use a video wall layout as starting point for the display configuration of a video wall. One layout can be applied to multiple video walls.

What you should know

  • When you apply a layout to a video wall, the current configuration of the wall is replaced by what is defined in the layout.
  • When you apply a layout to a video wall, the display of the physical monitor changes in real time.
  • Only EIZO layouts can be applied to EIZO video walls.
  • When you apply a layout containing entities that you do not have access to, those entities will not be pushed to the video wall.

    The error message You do not have access to this entity will be displayed in the tiles containing those entities.


  1. From the Security Desk home page, open the Monitoring task.
  2. From the entity browser, drag a video wall to a tile on the canvas.
  3. Click Take control.
  4. From the entity browser, drag a video wall layout onto the video wall.
    The following image shows what the cursor looks like when dragging a layout onto the video wall.

    NOTE: If you drag the layout outside the bounds of the black box that represents the video wall, the cursor will change to a pointer with an arrow (), and the layout entity will replace the video wall in the tile instead of being applied to the video wall.