You can modify the arrangement of the tiles on a video wall from the Security Desk Monitoring task either by changing the pattern of a video wall layout, and then applying it to a video wall, or by changing the pattern on the video wall itself.
What you should know
- If a video wall layout has already been applied to a video wall, changes made to the layout are not pushed to the video wall.
- For generic video wall layouts, you can configure a different tile pattern for each page.
- For EIZO video wall layouts, the tile pattern can only be changed from the first page, and every page will have the same pattern.
The following image shows the preview for adding a separator. Clicking while the preview is displayed adds the separator.
The following image shows the preview for removing a separator. Clicking while
the preview is displayed removes the separator, but does not delete the
NOTE: For EIZO layouts, the maximum number of rows and columns is 4x4. In
this example, the buttons are
grayed out because the maximum number of rows and columns is reached.
After clicking the red separator, tiles 6 and 7 will be merged, but the layout will still be considered to have four columns.