About video wall layouts - Video Wall 3.2.0

Video Wall Plugin Guide 3.2.0

Video Wall
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

Video wall layouts are custom entities created using the Video Wall plugin in Security Center. Using these entities, you can define which cameras are displayed on a video wall, and how and where they are displayed in the tile arrangement you configure.

The easiest way to apply the same display configuration to multiple video walls is by creating a video wall layout. In Security Desk, you can drag cameras or Web pages onto a layout and arrange how they are displayed on a video wall, and then reuse this display configuration on other video walls by dragging the layout onto them.

A video wall layout is modified independently from the video walls that it is applied to. If a video wall layout has already been applied to a video wall, changes made to the layout are not pushed to the video wall.

There are two types of video wall layouts you can create: EIZO layouts and generic layouts. Only EIZO layouts can be applied to EIZO video walls.