Resending iLOQ 5 Series S50 mobile credential registrations - iLOQ 5 Series Digital Locking System 1.0.0

iLOQ 5 Series Digital Locking System Plugin Guide 1.0.0

Applies to
iLOQ 5 Series Digital Locking System 1.0.0
Last updated
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
iLOQ 5 Series Digital Locking System

You can resend the registration of S50 mobile credentials created in Security Center to the iLOQ 5 Series Digital Locking System.

Before you begin

Ensure you have the required Manage iLOQ credentials privilege.


  1. In the Cardholder management task, select the cardholder whose credential you want to modify.
  2. Click Modify (Pencil on white background).
  3. In the cardholder modification dialog box, click the iLOQ credential management option.
    Cardholder modification dialog box with "iLOQ credential management" option highlighted.
  4. Select the Resend registration message option.
    iLOQ 5 Series credential management dialog box with "Resend registration message" option highlighted.
  5. From the Mobile credentials list, select the credential that you want to resend.
  6. Select the desired registration mode.
    Resend registration message page with key selected.
  7. Click Resend.
    The Summary page shows an a new registration message has been sent status.
  8. Click Finish.
  9. Complete the registration on your iLOQ S50 phone application.