[KBA-79128] Video retention period for Stratocast cameras exceeded - In some rare cases, the video retention period for Stratocast cameras was not working as expected. Some users might have noticed that some video files were not getting deleted after the retention period expired. This resulted in video files being accessible past the retention period set in the Stratocast portal. - Stratocast

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[KBA-79128] Video retention period for Stratocastâ„¢ cameras exceeded

In some rare cases, the video retention period for Stratocast™ cameras was not working as expected. Some video files were not deleted after the retention period expired, and were accessible past the retention period set in the Stratocast™ portal.

Applies to

Stratocast™ back end


A coding issue.


This issue is resolved.

A new cloud-based function app was added in Azure to run a cleanup script twice daily. The script checks all cameras and video files to ensure that no video files exist past the camera's specified retention period. The script is also monitored to ensure that expired video file cleanup is successful.