[KBA-79131] Field values missing when synchronizing with Card Synchronization 3.4.0
When using the Card Synchronization plugin 3.4.0 to import data from an Azure AD data source, some field values are missing.
Applies to
Card Synchronization 3.4.0
Due to changes in the Graph Client API, synchronization with Azure AD data sources
results in the following missing field values:
- AccountEnabled
- AgeGroup
- City
- CompanyName
- ConsentProvidedForMinor
- Country
- CreatedDateTime
- CreationType
- DeletedDateTime
- Department
- EmployeeHireDate
- EmployeeId
- EmployeeType
- ExternalUserState
- ExternalUserStateChangeDateTime
- FaxNumber
- IsResourceAccount
- LastPasswordChangeDateTime
- LegalAgeGroupClassification
- MailNickname
- OnPremisesDistinguishedName
- OnPremise
- DomainName
- OnPremisesImmutableId
- OnPremisesLastSyncDateTime
- OnPremisesSamAccountName
- OnPremisesSecurityIdentifier
- OnPremisesSyncEnabled
- OnPremisesUserPrincipalName
- PasswordPolicies
- PostalCode
- RefreshTokensValidFromDateTime
- ShowInAdressList
- SignInSessionsValidFromDateTime
- State
- StreetAddress
- UsageLocation
- UserType
This issue will be fixed Card Synchronization plugin 3.4.1.