[KBA-79139] Not enough disk space on legacy Synergis Cloud Link to deploy cumulative security rollups - There is not enough disk space to install new security rollups in legacy Synergis™ Cloud Link appliances running production image 4.0 and later. - Legacy Synergis Cloud Link with image 4.0 and later

Synergis™ Cloud Link
Internal reference number
3265687 | 3295710
Content type
KB articles
Last updated

[KBA-79139] Not enough disk space on legacy Synergis Cloud Link to deploy cumulative security rollups

There is not enough disk space to install new security rollups in Synergis™ Cloud Link appliances running production image 4.0 and later.

Applies to

Legacy Synergis™ Cloud Link appliances with image 4.0 and later


Cumulative security rollups require at least 3.8 GB of free space. However, Synergis Cloud Link appliances might not have the required disk space due to one or both of the following reasons:

  • Large WinSxS folder size
  • Large Machine Key folder size (in cloud systems and sites using Peer-to-Peer)


IMPORTANT: Do not reboot the Synergis Cloud Link appliance while the packages are being installed or while the cleanup tools are running.

WinSxS folder size

Since the contents of the WinSxS folder cannot be deleted, to reduce the folder size, it needs to be compressed.

To do so:

  1. Upgrade Synergis™ Softwire to the latest version.
  2. Upload the compression package WindowsCompressionSCL_20221111.

    This takes about 25 minutes to complete.

  3. Once the folder is compressed, if there is enough space, upload the security rollup.

    This can take up to 6 hours or more to complete.

  4. If there is still not enough space:
    1. In the Synergis™ Appliance Potal, run General and temporary storage cleanup.
    2. Upload the PlatformUpdatesCleanupSCLWin10_20210928 package.
    3. Upload the security rollup.

      This can take up to 6 hours or more to complete.

Machine Key folder size

The Machine Key folder contains certificates that establish communication between the Synergis Cloud Link appliance and Security Center. Whenever communication is re-established, a new certificate is created without clearing the previous ones.

To reduce the folder size and clear the old certificates:

  1. Update Security Center to 5.11.x.x.

    Security Center 5.11 communicates with Synergis Cloud Link using username and password instead of certificates.

  2. Upload the CleanRsaKeys package to clear the old certificates.

    Depending on the size of the folder, it might take more or less time to complete.

If there is still not enough space for the security rollup, contact Genetec™ Technical Assistance Center (GTAC).