[KBA-79146] No REX events after upgrading to Synergis Softwire 11.4.0
Doors controlled by Mercury Controllers running firmware 1.30.1 or later do not generate REX events in Security Center after upgrading to Synergis™ Softwire 11.4.0.
Applies to
Mercury integration running firmware 1.30.1 or later with Synergis Softwire 11.4.0.
Bug introduced in Synergis Softwire 11.4.0.
If you do not need the Live REX event feature, disable the Live 'Request to exit' events option and restart the Synergis Cloud Link unit. This returns the Mercury REX behavior to what it used to be prior to Synergis Softwire 11.4.0.
In case the Live REX event feature is needed, keep Live 'Request to exit' events enabled and perform a Bus Reset on the Mercury controller.
This issue is resolved in Synergis Softwire 11.4.1 and Synergis Cloud Link 2.1.1.