Exemple de messages de journal Privacy Protector - KiwiVision 4.8.0 | Security Center

Guide de l'utilisateur KiwiVision™ pour Security Center

Content type
Guides > Guides de l'utilisateur
Last updated

Reportez-vous aux exemples de messages de journal suivants issus de chaque phase de déroulement du programme.

Phase d'initialisation

Durant la phase d'initialisation, des paramètres sont initialisés avec des réglages standard.

15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): initializing Privacy Protector...
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Setting default value: Frames needed to learn new background = 5000. Frames needed to learn new background in learning phase = 5000
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Setting default value: scramblingThreshold = 22
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Setting default value: Color preset = R 0, G 0, B 0. Red channel oscillation = 0
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Setting default value: Scrambling method = 0
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): ...initialization complete.
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): PrivacyProtectorAnalyzer Do initial configuration:
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Configuration changed! Scrambling threshold set to 20.
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Configuration changed! Scrambling method set to 0.
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Configuration changed! Color set to R: 0, G: 0, B: 0.
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Configuration changed! Oscillating red-shift set to 5.
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Configuration changed! Number of frames for learning background in normal mode set to 5000 frames.
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Configuration changed! Number of frames for learning background in learning phase set to 1500 frames.
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Frame rate changed! Number of frames for learning background in normal mode set to 3960 frames.
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Frame rate changed! Number of frames for learning background in learning phase set to 1188 frames.
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Configuration changed! Regions are not visualized in the output stream.
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): PrivacyProtectorAnalyzer Initial configuration finished.
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): PrivacyProtectorAnalyzer: Initializing on first frame.
15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Starting initial learning phase lasting for 1188 Frames.
15:49:03.444 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Frame rate changed! Number of frames for learning background in learning phase set to 514 frames.
15:49:03.444 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Frame rate changed! Number of frames for learning background in normal mode set to 1714 frames.

Phase d'apprentissage

Une fois la configuration définie, les images vidéo sont transférées vers Privacy Protector™ pour l’apprentissage de l'arrière-plan.

15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Starting initial learning phase lasting for 1188 Frames.
15:49:45.262 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Initial learning phase finished.

Phase d’exploitation

À l’issue de l’apprentissage de l’arrière-plan, le fonctionnement normal démarre.

Aucun message n’est consigné durant le fonctionnement normal.

Si la configuration de Privacy Protector est modifiée en phase d'exploitation, des messages sont consignés pour documenter ces changements. Ces modifications comprennent notamment l'ajout ou la suppression de régions.

15:49:02.449 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Configuration changed! Scrambling threshold set to 20.
Configuration changes include zones that are added or cleared:
16:25:27.537 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): All BackgroundRegions have been cleared!
16:25:27.537 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): All ForegroundRegions have been cleared!
16:25:27.537 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): A ForegroundRegion has been added!

Phase d’extinction

Les extinctions sont consignées.

15:50:25.929 - PrivacyProtectorCore#1 (Information): Shutting down.