Colunas do painel de relatórios para a tarefa Leituras - Security Center 5.12

Guia do usuário do Security Center 5.12

Security Center
Content type
Guias > Guia do usuário
Last updated

Após gerar um relatório, os resultados da sua pesquisa são listados em um painel de relatórios. Esta seção lista as colunas disponíveis para a tarefa Leituras.

Local da leitura de ALPR.
Annotation fields
Any annotation field defined in System > ALPR Settings in the Config Tool. Shown in brackets.
Context image
Wide angle color image of the vehicle that was captured by the context camera.
Custom fields
Predefined custom fields for the entity. The columns only appear if custom fields are defined for the entity and were made visible to you when they were created or last configured.
Dispositivo envolvido na unidade (leitor, entrada REX, módulo IO, relé de curso etc.)
Carimbo de tempo do evento
Data e hora em que o evento ocorreu.
Generated a hit
Indicates if the read generated a hit with a check mark.
Coordenadas de onde ocorreu o evento de ALPR.
The coordinates of where the ALPR event occurred.
Zona de estacionamento onde uma determinada regulação está em vigor.
Manual capture
Displays the plate number entered manually by the Patroller user.
Offload timestamp
The date and time that the patrol vehicle offloaded the reads and hits to Security Center.
Patroller entity name. The patroller entity name field is not populated for fixed SharpV cameras.
Permit name
Name of the permit list under the permit restriction.
Plate image
The license plate image captured by the ALPR camera.
Plate origin
State that issued the license plate.
Plate read
The license plate read generated by the Sharp unit.
Indicates that the record will not be deleted from the database when the retention period (for this type of record) expires.
Validade da proteção
Indica quando a proteção da leitura expira.
Hit rule that matched the plate read.
The ALPR unit that read the plate and populated for a patrol vehicle (for example, Patroller - Left, Patroller - Right, etc.), and for a fixed Sharp.
Cor do veículo
Cor do veículo capturado na leitura.
Vehicle make
Make of the vehicle captured in the read.
Vehicle type
Type of vehicle captured in the read.
Imagem da roda
Imagem das rodas do veículo Usado para calçar o pneu virtual