Colunas do painel de relatórios para a tarefa Leituras/resultados por zona - Security Center 5.12

Guia do usuário do Security Center 5.12

Security Center
Content type
Guias > Guia do usuário
Last updated

Após gerar um relatório, os resultados da sua pesquisa são listados em um painel de relatório. Esta seção lista as colunas disponíveis para a tarefa Leituras/resultados por zona.

Custom fields
Predefined custom fields for the entity. The columns only appear if custom fields are defined for the entity and were made visible to you when they were created or last configured.
Enforced hits
Number of enforced hits.
Number of hits.
NOTA: If the Hit rules and Hit type query filters are used, this value might not be the total number of hits in the day.
Not enforced hits
Number of hits that were not enforced.
Number of license plate reads.
Rejected hits
Number of hits that were rejected.
Time zone
Time zone of the unit.