Creating simple text placeholders for the Digital Signage Management plugin - Security Center Digital Signage Management 2.3

Security Center Digital Signage Management Plugin Guide 2.3

Applies to
Security Center Digital Signage Management 2.3
Last updated
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Security Center Digital Signage Management

Simple text placeholders are placeholders that can be replaced with any content and added to messages. Using simple text placeholders, you can display dynamic information from any data gathered by your system.

What you should know

You can use the Simple Text DMS macro and event-to-actions to trigger simple text placeholders to be displayed on a message. For more information, see Creating the Simple Text DMS macro.


  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Plugins task.
  2. From the entity tree, select the Digital Signage Management plugin role, and click the Simple text tab.
  3. Click .
    The Add/edit simple text placeholder window opens.
  4. Configure your simple text placeholder:
    Placeholder guid
    ID automatically generated for the placeholder.
    Placeholder name
    Name of the placeholder for internal use.
    Placeholder default content
    Default text to display.
    If enabled, when something causes the simple text placeholder to change, it reverts to the Placeholder default content after the interval specified here.
    Character limit
    Maximum number of characters that can be displayed.
    Characters above limit
    If the content is above the character limit, choose how the placeholder is displayed:
    • Truncate: Cut off the placeholder at the character limit.
    • Block: Stop displaying the placeholder.
  5. Click Apply.

After you finish