Creating the Correlation Service role - Genetec Citigraf™ 2.0

Genetec Citigraf™ Command User Guide 2.0

Applies to
Genetec Citigraf™ 2.0
Last updated
Content type
Guides > User guides

You must create the Correlation Service role in Security Center in order to view public safety alerts and related intelligence in Security Desk.

What you should know

The Correlation Service is the central role that acts as the information hub in the Genetec Citigraf™ system. All correlation requests go through this role, which then queries the data sources through their corresponding plugin roles. The Correlation Service is also responsible for distributing the advanced correlation work, the processing of correlation rules, among the Correlation Rules Engine roles in the system. You only need one Correlation Service role per system.


  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Plugins task.
  2. Click Add en entity (), then click Plugin.
  3. In the Creating a role dialog box, select Correlation Service, and follow the instructions of the wizard.
    If you have a multi-server Security Center system, make sure you host the Correlation Service role on the server where Genetec Citigraf™ Command is installed.
  4. Select the Correlation Service role.
  5. Click the Properties tab, configure the following settings, and click Apply.
    Max workload per rules engine
    This setting defines how many data sources a Correlation Rules Engine role (rules engine) can query simultaneously. The workload required to process a correlation rule is measured by the number of data sources the rules engine must query to evaluate the rule. The Correlation Service assigns the correlation rules to the available rules engines in the system in a round-robin fashion. A rules engine is skipped if the new assignment causes it to exceed its maximum workload.
    Alert recipient behavior
    This setting only applies to alerts that are triggered as a result of a correlation rule finding a match. Choose one of the following:
    Only the requesting user
    Only the user who created the correlation rule gets the alerts.
    All of the requesting user's user group
    All members belonging to the same user groups as the creator of the correlation rule get the alerts.
  6. Click Apply.

After you finish

First, register the data sources required by your city, and then configure your correlation rules.