Federated entities are missing - Security Center 5.9 - 5.12

Troubleshooting Security Center Federation™

Applies to
Security Center 5.9 - 5.12
Last updated
Content type
Security Center

If there is an issue with your Security Center Federation™ configuration, entities from a federated system might not display on the Federation host system. To troubleshoot the issue, learn about the possible causes and their respective solutions.

Cause Description Solution
Incorrect Federation user The wrong user was used to connect to the federated system from the Security Center Federation role. In Security Desk, connect to the federated system using the correct Federation user account.
Incorrect privileges for the Federation user The user that connects to the federated system lacks the correct privileges to view certain entities. Verify the privileges of the user that connects to the federated system. If required, change the user's privileges.
Incorrect partitions for the Federation user The user that connects to the federated system is not a member of the correct partitions on the federated system. As a result, they are unable to view certain entities. Verify which partitions the user is a member of on the federated system. If required, change settings of the partition or add the user as a member of the correct partitions.
Incorrect entities selected for Federation The wrong entity types were selected when the Security Center Federation role was configured. From the Properties tab of the Security Center Federation role, verify which entity types are selected in the Federated entities section. If necessary, change the selection of entity types and click Apply.
Incorrect events selected for Federation The wrong event types were selected when the Security Center Federation™ role was configured. From the Properties tab of the Security Center Federation™ role, verify which event types are selected in the Federated events section. If necessary, change the selection of event types and click Apply.
Different secure communication settings The Secure communication option for the Media Router role to authenticate video requests is configured differently on the two systems. Secure communication cannot be turned on for the federated system if it is turned off for the Federation host. In the Properties tab of the Media Router role in Config Tool, make sure the Secure communication option does not have this configuration:
  • Federation™ host: OFF
  • Federated system: ON
Incorrect entity types reclaimed from a local Security Center system When you delete a Federation™ role, you can release ownership of federated entities to your local Security Center system. Ownership of these entities can be reclaimed when a new Federation role is created. However, if certain entity types are set to be excluded when reclaiming ownership, entities will be missing from the Federation role. Navigate to System > General settings > Advanced settings and verify the values associated with the FederationReclaimReleaseEntityTypesInclusion setting match the entity types that you want to reclaim ownership of.
Supported values are:
  • Cardholder
  • CardholderGroup
  • Visitor
  • Credentials
NOTE: If the setting is not present, ownership of all supported entity types is reclaimed.