Selecting the card formats for the Traka Asset Management integration - TRAKA Asset Management 3.1

Traka Asset Management Plugin Guide 3.1

Applies to
TRAKA Asset Management 3.1
Last updated
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
TRAKA Asset Management

Traka cabinets can be opened using an access card, a keypad ID (code), a personal identification number (PIN), or any combination of these authentication methods. If access control cards are used, you must select the format that is in use. If only a PIN, a keypad code, or both a PIN and keypad code are used, you must create and select custom card formats.

Before you begin

What you should know

  • It is recommended to do this procedure before you connect to the Traka system for the first time.
  • The card format selected in the plugin role must match the format of the cards used at the readers of the Traka cabinets.
  • The Traka system does not define card formats. Instead, it stores card numbers, PINs, and keypad codes in the user accounts. However, Security Center needs the card format to identify which bits from an incoming reader request contain the card number, facility code, PIN, and keypad ID.

  • The card formats that you select in the plugin role's Properties page are only applied to newly imported Traka users and newly created Traka cardholders. Changing the card format in the plugin role does not change the credentials of existing Traka cardholders. So, if you change the format after you have created Traka cardholders, you must update their credentials from the Credential management or Cardholder management tasks.


  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Plugins task.
  2. In the Plugins task, select the plugin role from the entity browser, and click the Properties tab.
  3. In the Traka users created in Security Center section, configure the following:
    Card format
    The format of the cards supported by the card reader on the Traka cabinets.
    CSN in hexadecimal
    Only applies when the CSN card format is in use; for any other card format, this switch is ignored.
    If the readers at the Traka cabinets support CSN, and the Traka Integration Engine sends the CSN data as hexadecimal, slide the switch to ON.
    If CSN data is sent as decimals, slide the switch to OFF.
  4. In the Traka users imported into Security Center as cardholders section, configure the following:
    Card format
    The format of the cards supported by the card reader on the Traka cabinets. If cabinets do not have card readers, and Traka users only enter a PIN, create a custom card format for the PIN, and select it here.
    Facility code
    Assigns a default facility code to a cardholder's Traka credential, which are created when the Traka users are synchronized with Security Center cardholders. The facility code is a number from 0 to 9999.
    In multi-tenant deployments or multiple sites managed by separate Traka servers, it is possible to have duplicate card numbers. The facility code ensures that all card numbers are unique.
    Cardholder group
    The default cardholder group to which imported Traka users are assigned.
  5. If a keypad ID is not used to open a cabinet, in the Custom card format list, select None.
  6. If a keypad ID is used to open a cabinet, in the Custom card format list, select the custom card format created for Traka.
  7. Click Apply.