ALPR Manager - Properties tab - Genetec Patroller™ | SharpV | SharpZ3 | Security Center

Exporting License Plate Reads in AutoVu™ and Security Center

Applies to
Genetec Patroller™ | SharpV | SharpZ3 | Security Center
Last updated
Content type
Guides > Deployment guides
Genetec Patroller™

In the ALPR task on the Properties tab, you can configure the general ALPR Manager role settings and optional AutoVu™ features. The availability of certain features depends on your Security Center license.

General settings

Use the General settings to configure the Root folder for the ALPR Manager, the user group for the Genetec Patroller™ installations, and how long the data from the ALPR Manager is kept in the database.
Root folder
Main folder on the computer hosting the ALPR Manager, where all the configuration files are created, saved, and exchanged between the ALPR Manager and the Genetec Patroller™ units it manages.
Optimize Root folder disk space
Enable the use of symbolic links to reduce disk utilization when the same file is replicated in multiple folders, such as when you have large hotlists or permit lists associated to individual Genetec Patroller™ units. This reduces the Root folder’s overall disk space, and optimizes file transfer performance to the Genetec Patroller™ in-vehicle computer.
IMPORTANT: If your root folder is on a network drive, the Genetec™ Server service must be configured to run using a domain user and not a local user.
User group for Patrollers
List of users (and their passwords) who are allowed to log on to the patrol vehicles managed by the ALPR Manager. This list is downloaded to the patrol vehicles.
Retention period
Specify how many days of ALPR-related data Security Center can query. The default is 90 days, and the maximum is 4000 days. The ALPR date that is older than the values specified do not appear in Security Center queries and reports (Hit reports, Read reports, and so on).
Genetec Patroller™ route retention period
Number of days the Genetec Patroller™ route data (GPS coordinates) is kept in the database.
Hit retention period
Number of days the hit data is kept in the ALPR Manager database.
Hit image retention period
Number of days the hit image data is kept by the linked Archiver role. The Hit image retention period cannot exceed the Hit retention period since a hit image is always associated with a hit.
Read retention period
Number of days the license plate reads are kept in the ALPR Manager database. The Read retention period cannot exceed the Hit retention period. If the read retention is lower than the hit retention, only the reads that are associated with hits are kept.
Read image retention period
Number of days the read image data is kept by the linked Archiver role. The Read image retention period cannot exceed the Read retention period since a read image is always associated to a read.
Event retention period
Number of days Genetec Patroller™ events (user logged on, logged off, and patrol vehicle positions) are kept in the ALPR Manager database.
Parking occupancy retention period
Number of days the parking occupancy data is kept in the ALPR Manager database.
Parking zone data retention period
Number of days the parking zone data is kept in the ALPR Manager database. This data includes parking session information, for example, parking session start times and state transitions, as well as information on the events that occur within the parking zone. The Parking zone data retention period cannot exceed the Read retention period.

AutoVu™ third party data exporter

Turn on AutoVu™ third party data exporter to configure the secure export of read and hit events to the required third-party systems.

Endpoint name
Enter a relevant name for the required third party server.
Destination folder
Enter the path of the destination folder on the third-party server.
Export format
Select the format in which the data needs to be exported.
  • XML: Select this option if you want to export reads and hits in XML format.
  • JSON: Select this option if you want to export reads and hits in JSON format.
  • UTMC: Select this option if you want to export reads.
  • JSON2: Select this option if you want to export hits.
File name template
Enter a relevant name for the export type.
Server URL
Enter the IP address of the third party server.
File format-specific
Enter the value for the Customer ID provided by the customer.
NOTE: This section is displayed only if Export format selected in step 4 is JSON2.
What to export
Select the events you want to export.
Export settings
Choose the export settings as required.
Export images
Select this option to export the images along with the read or hit.
Enforced hits only
Select this option to export enforced hits.
Select the events you want to resend after an export operation fails.
Select this option to resend any reads.
Select this option to resend any hits.
NOTE: The AutoVu™ Data Exporter plugin will retry until the event is successfully exported or more than 1000 events need to be resent.
Authorization mode
Choose the authorization mode as required.
Select this option if the third-party system does not require any specific authorization method.
Select this mode if the third-party system uses TLS certificate.
Select this mode if the third party system uses PasswordGrant token.
Client certificate
Enter or browse the path to the TLS certificate provided by third-party API.
NOTE: This parameter is displayed only if Certificate authorization mode is selected.
Token URL
Enter the value provided by third party API.
Client ID
Enter the value provided by third party API.
Client secret
Enter the value provided by third party API.
Enter the value provided by third party API.
Enter the value provided by third party API.
Enter the value provided by third party API.
NOTE: If no value is provided, the field can be left empty.
Connection settings
Hostname or IP
Enter the hostname or IP address of the destination.
Enter the port number of the destination address.
Enter the value provided by third-party API.
Enter the value provided by third-party API.
Enter the value provided by third-party API.
NOTE: If no value is provided, the field can be left empty.
SSH passphrase
Enter the value provided by third-party API.
NOTE: If no value is provided, the field can be left empty.
Supported hashtags
The following hashtags are supported in the XML and JSON templates.
NOTE: The XML and JSON templates are non-modifiable.
Generate all Read and Hit attributes.
Name of the camera.
Context image (Base64-encoded JPEG).
Local date of the ALPR event.
Local date of the ALPR event.
For an overtime hit, this tag indicates the time difference between the two plate reads (displaying the number of days is optional).
For a shared permit hit, this tag generates the content specified in ReadTemplate.xml for the first vehicle seen.
For an overtime hit, this tag retrieves the attribute From street from the first plate read.
For an overtime hit, this tag retrieves the attribute To street from the first plate read.
Category field of the hotlist that generated the hit.
Unique identifier of the ALPR event.
For MLPI installations, the location of the vehicle inventory.
This tag indicates if the ALPR event is a hit.
Latitude of the ALPR event (in decimal degrees).
Latitude of the ALPR event (in degrees, minutes, and seconds).
Latitude of the ALPR event (in decimal degrees).
Latitude of the ALPR event (degrees).
Latitude of the ALPR event (in degrees, minutes, and seconds).
Latitude of the ALPR event (minutes).
Latitude of the ALPR event (seconds).
Longitude of the ALPR event (in decimal degrees).
Longitude of the ALPR event (in decimal degrees).
Latitude of the ALPR event (in degrees, minutes, and seconds).
Longitude of the ALPR event (degrees).
Longitude of the ALPR event (in degrees, minutes, and seconds).
Longitude of the ALPR event (minutes).
Longitude of the ALPR event (seconds).
License plate against which the hit was generated.
For an overtime hit, this tag generates the content specified in ReadTemplate.xml for the first read of a given plate.
Overview image (Base64-encoded JPEG).
ID of patrol vehicle.
Name of patrol vehicle.
Name of the permit that generated the ALPR event.
License plate image (Base64-encoded JPEG).
License plate as read by the Sharp.
License plate's issuing state or province, if read.
Reason hit was rejected.
Embed the contents of the ReadTemplate.xml inside another XML template (useful for hits).
Color of the rule associated to the ALPR event.
ID of the rule associated to the ALPR event.
Name of the rule associated to the ALPR event (hotlist, overtime, permit, or permit restriction).
For a shared permit hit, this tag generates the content specified in ReadTemplate.xml for the second vehicle seen.
For an overtime hit, this tag retrieves the attribute From street from the second plate read.
For an overtime hit, this tag retrieves the attribute To street from the second plate read.
Name of the Sharp that read the plate.
License plate's issuing state or province, if read.
Local time.
User action related to the ALPR event.
ID of the user.
Name of the user.
Same as #READ#.