Before you can create an arming profile, you must create cardholders, schedules,
intrusion detection areas, doors with readers, and access rules.
cardholders that will be allowed to postpone arming.
Create an arming
schedule from the System task.
Keep in mind that the BuyTime period is
part of the arming schedule. When the schedule becomes active, the
BuyTime period
IMPORTANT: To avoid schedule conflicts, do not use
Scheduled tasks to configure intrusion detection
areas to arm on a schedule.
Create doors and
assign at least one reader to each.
intrusion detection areas.
Create an access
rule that uses the arming schedule you created.
Associate the cardholders and doors that you created for the profile to the new
access rule.
This ensures that the cardholders will have access to the readers during the
arming schedule. You can give the cardholders additional access rights by
associating them to other access rules.