About the AVL data offload status task - Fleet Monitoring

Security Center Fleet Monitoring Plugin Guide

Fleet Monitoring
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

You can use the AVL data offload status task to get a more detailed view of the status of queued, in-progress, and recently completed data offload requests.

The Offloads tasks section shows a list of data offloads and their respective details below. You can configure how long completed data offloads are displayed before being removed from the list.

  • Status
  • Progress
  • Summary
  • Started
  • Elapsed
  • User
NOTE: To define a time period after which the list of offloads will refresh, select the Auto refresh every check box and assign a value. You can click Refresh now to immediately refresh the list.

When a data offload is selected, the Offload details section shows a list of all the AVL units and cameras included in that data offload. The following information is provided for each item:

  • Type
  • Name
  • Status
  • Progress
  • Elapsed
  • Transferred data size
  • Start
  • End
  • Destination archiver
  • Details

You can pause or cancel ongoing or queued data offloads from the Actions column of either section.

NOTE: When processing an offload chunk, the local AVL database checks to see if the complete chunk has been offloaded in past. If so, the chunk is marked completed and the transfer manager task does not open.