About using a single OSDP reader to control multiple doors - Cloud Link Roadrunner™ 2.0

Cloud Link Roadrunner™ User Guide 2.0

Cloud Link Roadrunner™
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Guides > User guides
Last updated

When a traffic light cabinet with multiple doors only has enough space to fit one reader, you can replicate the reader in the Cloud Link Roadrunner™ Portal to create virtual ones. You can then use these virtual readers for up to four cabinet doors.


The following minimum product versions are required to create virtual readers:

  • Cloud Link Roadrunner™ 1.1
  • Security Center 5.10

How it works

The Virtual hardware integration must be added in the Cloud Link Roadrunner™ Portal. Through this integration, virtual readers can be created, based on a physical reader. Each virtual reader is configured with a door code specifying a door on the cabinet. Like regular readers, virtual readers are assigned to a door side in Config Tool and can be controlled by the Door widget in Security Desk.

There are three ways to request access to the cabinet doors when they are configured with virtual readers:
Requesting access to a specific door using Card or PIN
  1. Enter the door code on the reader keypad.
  2. Present a card to the reader, or press the # key followed by the PIN.
  3. The access request is forwarded to the virtual reader corresponding to the door code.
Requesting access to all the doors using Card or PIN
  1. Press the * key on the reader keypad.
  2. Present a card to the reader, or press the # key followed by the PIN.
  3. The access request is forwarded to all the virtual readers associated with the physical reader.
NOTE: If a door is configured to use Card and PIN, an Access denied: Card and PIN timeout event is generated for that door.
Requesting access to a specific door using Card and PIN
  1. Enter the door code on the reader keypad.
  2. Present a card to the reader.
  3. Press # followed by the PIN.
  4. The access request is forwarded to the virtual reader corresponding to the door code.

About virtual readers

  • When you create virtual readers, the physical reader they were create from no longer takes up a reader license in Security Center and is no longer displayed on the Peripherals page of the Cloud Link Roadrunner™ unit. Only its virtual readers are counted in the reader license and are displayed on the Peripherals page.
  • Events in Security Center are only generated for the virtual readers; they are not duplicated for their physical reader.
  • When the physical reader is tampered with, the Hardware tamper event is generated for all its virtual readers.
  • The LED feedback on the reader only indicates the latest status change. For example, when one of the doors is relocked, the LED turns red, even if the other doors are still unlocked.
  • When you enter a valid door code, but fail to badge on the reader or enter the PIN within five seconds, the reader LED flashes amber, and the Door code timeout event is generated.
  • When you enter an invalid door code, the reader flashes amber.