Glossary for Security Center Release Notes - Security Center

Security Center Release Notes

Security Center
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Release notes
Last updated

archive transfer

Archive transfer is the process of transferring your video data from one location to another. The video is recorded and stored on the video unit itself or on an Archiver storage disk, and then the recordings are transferred to another location.


The Archiver role is responsible for the discovery, status polling, and control of video units. The Archiver also manages the video archive and performs motion detection if it is not done on the unit itself.

Auxiliary Archiver

The Auxiliary Archiver role supplements the video archive produced by the Archiver role. Unlike the Archiver role, the Auxiliary Archiver role is not bound to any particular discovery port, therefore, it can archive any camera in the system, including cameras federated from other Security Center systems. The Auxiliary Archiver role cannot operate independently; it requires the Archiver role to communicate with video units.

Continuous Delivery

The Continuous Delivery (CD) release track offers customers an upgrade path with ongoing innovations, introducing new features, bug fixes, performance enhancements, and support for the latest devices through minor versions. The frequency of changes introduced on the CD track may be impractical for some organizations, who opt for the long-term predictability of the LTS track.

Continuous Delivery (CD)

Acronym: CD

fusion stream encryption

Fusion stream encryption is a proprietary technology of Genetec Inc. used to protect the privacy of your video archives. The Archiver uses a two-level encryption strategy to ensure that only authorized client machines or users with the proper certificates on smart cards can access your private data.

Genetec™ Update Service

The Genetec™ Update Service (GUS) is automatically installed with most Genetec™ products and enables you to update products when a new release becomes available.

Genetec™ Update Service (GUS)

Acronym: GUS

Global Cardholder Synchronizer

The Global Cardholder Synchronizer role ensures the two-way synchronization of shared cardholders and their related entities between the local system (sharing guest) where it resides and the central system (sharing host).

Global Cardholder Synchronizer (GCS)

Acronym: GCS

known issues

Known issues are software issues that have been discovered in the current or previous release of a product, and have not yet been resolved.


Limitations are software or hardware issues that cannot be fixed for a product. For some limitations, workarounds are documented in the product release notes.

Long-Term Support

The Long-Term Support (LTS) release track offers customers an upgrade path that minimizes changes to software and extends access to critical bug and security fixes. The LTS track includes major and patch versions. Minor versions are excluded. Choosing the LTS track limits your access to new capabilities, but increases stability due to less frequent code change and extends the maintenance period by two years.

Long-Term Support (LTS)

Acronym: LTS

major version

A major version is a software version that adds new features, behavioral changes, SDK capabilities, support for new devices, and performance improvements. Using backward compatibility mode, major versions are compatible with up to three previous major versions. A license update is required to upgrade to a new major version. A major version is indicated by a version number with zeros at the third and fourth positions: X.Y.0.0. For more information, see our Product Lifecycle page on GTAP.

map view

A map view is a defined section of a map.

minor version

A minor version is a software version that adds new features, SDK capabilities, support for new devices, bug fixes, and security fixes. Different system components can run at different minor versions, provided they share the same major version. No license update is required to upgrade to a new minor version. A minor version is indicated by a version number with a zero at the fourth position: X.Y.Z.0. For more information, see our Product Lifecycle page on GTAP.

patch version

A patch version is a software version that adds support for new devices, bug fixes, and security fixes. Patch versions do not affect system compatibility, as long as all your system components are at the same major version. If you are on the Long-Term Support (LTS) track, patch versions only include critical bug and security fixes. A patch version is indicated by a version number where the fourth position is not a zero. For more information, see our Product Lifecycle page on GTAP.

privacy protection

In Security Center, privacy protection is software that anonymizes or masks parts of a video stream where movement is detected. The identity of individuals or moving objects is protected, without obscuring movements and actions or preventing monitoring.

Privacy Protector™

The Privacy Protector™ role requests original video streams from Archiver roles and applies data anonymization to the original video streams. The privacy-protected (anonymized) video stream is then sent back to the Archiver role for recording.

record cache

The record cache is the database where the Record Caching Service role keeps copies of records ingested from external data sources in Security Center. You can generate reports on the cached records using the Records investigation task.

Record Caching Service

The Record Caching Service role is used for data ingestion. Using this role, you can import records from external data sources into Security Center. You can share the ingested data across the entire unified platform to enhance awareness and response, to provide contextual information on dynamic maps, or to visualize in operational dashboards.

Record Fusion Service

The Record Fusion Service is the central role that provides a unified querying mechanism for data records that come from a wide variety of sources, such as Security Center modules or third-party applications. All record requests go through this role, which then queries their respective record providers.

record type

In Security Center, a record type defines the data format and display properties of a set of records that you can share across the entire system through the Record Fusion Service role.


The Records task in an investigation task that you can use to query the record providers registered in Security Center and find relevant information based on known or suspected correlations.

sharing guest

A sharing guest is a Security Center system that has been given the rights to view and modify entities owned by another Security Center system, called the sharing host. Sharing is done by placing the entities in a global partition.

sharing host

A sharing host is a Security Center system that gives the right to other Security Center systems to view and modify its entities by putting them up for sharing in a global partition.

video analytics

Video analytics is the software technology that is used to analyze video for specific information about its content. Examples of video analytics include counting the number of people crossing a line, detection of unattended objects, or the direction of people walking or running.

video sequence

A video sequence is any recorded video stream of a certain duration.