Network requirements for Cloud Storage - Security Center 5.11

Security Center System Requirements Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
System requirements
Last updated

To ensure that Cloud Storage is constantly available, and accommodates network outages and variations in video recording throughput, your network must meet minimum internet uplink throughput requirements.

Item Requirement
Connection type Internet
Uplink throughput to the cloud At least 30% higher than video recording throughput
Network availability Minimum 99.9% guaranteed (SLA) by the Internet service provider
Network latency Less than 150 milliseconds with one Azure data center:

Your network must provide a guaranteed uplink that is 30% greater than the video throughput recorded by all Archiver roles configured on the system.

  • If your system has one Archiver that records 100 Mbps of video, your network must provide a guaranteed uplink to the cloud of at least 130 Mbps.
  • If your system has two Archivers that record 100 Mbps of video each, your network must provide a guaranteed uplink of at least 260 Mbps.
Cloud Storage uploads video archives using HTTPS as fast as the uplink allows. If you need more than 1 Gbps of throughput per system, contact Genetec Inc.