Visualizing Travel Time data - Travel Times 12.4

Security Center Travel Times User Guide 12.4

Applies to
Travel Times 12.4
Last updated
Content type
Guides > User guides
Travel Times

You can monitor travel times and view graphic representations of data associated with nodes, traffic links, and traffic routes in the Monitoring task. Use the resulting information to better manage your traffic network.

What you should know

The color of segments in your traffic network is determined by the fast, slow, and very slow thresholds you configure. To configure these thresholds, refer to Configuring traffic link travel time settings in the Travel Times Engine.


  1. From Security Desk navigate to the Monitoring task.
  2. Click and drag a traffic network into a monitoring tile to display a map of the area included in the traffic network. The color of the lines indicates travel speed:
    1. Green: faster than slow threshold
    2. Yellow: slower than slow threshold
    3. Red: slower than very slow threshold
    Tip: Abnormal congestion icons are shown and are color-coded to indicate the severity of unexpected traffic congestion:
    • Orange: slower than normal ()
    • Red: much slower than normal ()
    These colored lines and icons can be displayed on all geo-coded maps in Security Center.
  3. Click and drag a node into a monitoring tile to view the Node detection chart.
    NOTE: The bars in the chart are color-coded:
    • Blue: total number of detections
    • Red: number of unique detections (number of vehicles detected)
  4. Click and drag a traffic link into a monitoring tile to view the Traffic link travel time chart.
    NOTE: The Traffic link travel time chart shows the following:
    • Blue dots: traversals
    • Red line: mean travel times
    • Green line: historical travel times
    • Yellow line: predicted travel times
    • Yellow dotted line: slow
    • Red dotted line: very slow
  5. Click and drag a traffic route into a monitoring tile to view the Traffic route travel time chart.
    NOTE: The Traffic route travel time chart shows the contribution of each segment in the traffic route to the overall travel time of the traffic route. Each colored layer in the chart represents a specific segment of the traffic route.

After you finish

Draw inferences from the date shown on the map and in the chart to manage traffic in your traffic network.