Configuring digital inputs in the Vehicle Monitoring plugin - Vehicle Monitoring

Security Center Vehicle Monitoring Plugin Guide

Applies to
Vehicle Monitoring
Last updated
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Vehicle Monitoring

To receive digital inputs, brake usage, windshield wiper activity, equipment deployment, and other digital inputs from a vehicle, you must configure digital inputs.

Before you begin

  • Configure the Vehicle Monitoring plugin vehicle end.
  • Ensure you have installed NET Core 3.1 SDK.
  • If the UST500_517_DIOStatusUDP service is activated in windows, disable it.
  • For 16-pin (dual DIO module) units, you must navigate to the Streamvault™ Control Panel, deactivate Cylance, and install the eAPI 16-pin driver.
    IMPORTANT: Ensure that you reactivate Cylance after you install the eAPI 16-pin driver. This action requires a new activation code.
  • NOTE: For 8-pin (single DIO module) units, no additional driver is required.

What you should know

  • Make these configurations for each vehicle in your fleet that you want to get digital inputs from.
  • There are several digital input templates that are available to you by default. They include configurations for the following purposes:
    • Transit
    • Law enforcement
    • Education


To configure digital inputs for a vehicle:

  1. From Config Tool, navigate to the Properties page of the Vehicle Monitoring plugin.
  2. In the REST API section, make the following configurations:
    Set to Enabled.
    Authentication type
    Set to Basic authentication.
    API path name prefix
    Enter gpsapi.
    REST port
    Enter 443.
    Web SDK host
    Enter localhost.
    Web SDK port
    Enter 443.
    Web SDK allow self-signed certificate
    Set to Enabled.
    The source time zone for TAIP messages
    Set to UTC.
    NMEA vehicle ID position
    Set to Prefix.
    API documentation
    Leave this setting deactivated.
  3. Navigate to the Services page and make the following configurations:
    Input output service
    Set to Enabled.
    Service path prefix
    Enter genetecio.
    Service port
    Enter 443.
    Web SDK host
    Enter localhost.
    Web SDK port
    Enter 443.
    Web SDK username
    Enter your Security Center user credentials.
    Web SDK password
    Enter your Security Center user credentials.
    Configuration endpoint
    This field auto-populates. Leave it as is.
    Allow self-signed certificate
    Set to Enabled.
    Set to Simulated.
    Poll interval
    Set to 100 milliseconds.
    Periodic update
    Leave this setting deactivated.
    Inputs REST endpoint
    This field auto-populates. Leave it as is.

To configure user privileges necessary to submit digital vehicle inputs:

  1. From Config Tool, navigate to the User management task.
    1. Navigate to the Privileges tab.
    2. Ensure the Submit inputs using API privilege is set to Allow.
  2. From the Plugins task, navigate to the Metadata page of the Vehicle Monitoring plugin.
  3. In the Default metadata configuration section, click Add ().
    The Add metadata configuration window opens.
  4. In the Metadata key field, enter the metadata key.
  5. In the Triggers section, click Add (), and add one or more triggers:
    1. From the Trigger type drop-down list, select one of the following:
      • Numeric: Metadata values are numeric.
      • Regular expression: Metadata values are
    2. From the Comparison drop-down list, select how the metadata must be compared to the value.
    3. In the Value field, enter the value that the metadata is compared to.
    4. Click OK.
  6. From the Area view task, navigate to the Properties page of the GPS unit you are configuring digital inputs for.
    1. Navigate to the Input/output section.
    2. Set the Input/output device setting to Genetec.
  7. Click on a different entity in the Area View tree and then click the GPS entity you are configuring digital inputs for.
    The new tabs for Inputs and Outputs appear.
  8. Navigate to the Inputs tab of the GPS entity that you are configuring digital inputs for and add each input with its corresponding ID (pin):
    1. For 8-pin systems, the inputs are on ID (pin) 2 to 7.
    2. For 16-pin systems, the inputs are on ID (pin) 2 to 7 and 8 to 13.
    IMPORTANT: Input descriptions must match exactly their corresponding metadata keys you configured earlier.
  9. Reboot your SVR.

After you finish

To learn about monitoring vehicles for digital inputs, refer to Monitoring real-time vehicle data using the Fleet Monitoring plugin.