Configuring TI EntryPoint authentication on a Mercury LP4502 in Synergis™ Softwire - Synergis™ Softwire

Using TI EntryPoint Authentication on Mercury LP4502 Technote

Applies to
Synergis™ Softwire
Last updated
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Synergis™ Softwire

To bring your physical access control system into conformity with the US government's Federal Information Processing Standard 201 (FIPS 201), you can enable Personal Identity Verification (PIV), Personal Identity Verification-Interoperable (PIV-I), or Commercial Identity Verification (CIV) credentials using EntryPoint authentication on a Mercury LP4502 controller.

Before you begin

Enroll the Mercury controller on the Synergis™ unit.

For more information, see Enrolling Mercury controllers on the Synergis™ unit.


  1. Upload the Mercury firmware onto the Synergis™ unit:
    1. Download the latest firmware from the GTAP Product Download page by selecting the latest version of Synergis™ Softwire from the Download Finder list, and downloading the latest .sfw file listed in the Third Party Firmware Packages section.
    2. Save the .sfw file on your local drive.
    3. Log on to the Synergis™ unit.
    4. Click Maintenance > Softwire upgrade.
    5. Click Select upgrade file.
    6. In the file browser that opens, select the .sfw firmware file, and click Open.
    7. Click Upgrade now.
  2. For Synergis™ Softwire 11.1 and later, change the database layout to the Ficam layout by doing the following:
    1. Log on to your Synergis™ unit, and click Configuration > Mercury controller settings.
    2. Expand the Database layout settings section, select Ficam from the list, and click Save.
    3. Perform a software restart on the Synergis™ unit.
  3. For Synergis™ Softwire versions earlier than 11.1, change the database layout to the Ficam layout by doing the following:
    1. Log on to your Synergis™ unit, using the following URL:
      https://<IP address>/MercuryEP/UnitWide/DefaultDbSettings/Set?value=FicamLayout
      NOTE: <IP address> is the IP address of your Synergis™ unit.
    2. On the redirect page that opens, click the link to apply the database layout change.
    3. Perform a software restart on the Synergis™ unit.
  4. Log back on to your unit using the following URL:
    https://<IP address>/MercuryEP/FirmwareVersions
  5. On the FirmwareVersions page, click Install TI EntryPoint Embedded package <version>, where <version> is the latest package version.
    Installing and enabling the plugin can take a few minutes.
  6. Perform a software restart on the Synergis™ unit.
  7. For Synergis™ Softwire 11.1 and later, enable TI EntryPoint:
    1. Log back on to your Synergis™ unit, and click Configuration > Mercury controller settings.
    2. Expand the Auxiliary authentication module section, select TIEntryPoint from the list, and click Save.
    3. Perform a software restart on the Synergis™ unit.
  8. For Synergis™ Softwire versions earlier than 11.1, enable TI EntryPoint:
    1. Go to the following:
      https://<IP address>/MercuryEP/UnitWide/AAM/Set?value=TIEntryPoint
    2. On the redirect page that opens, click the link.
    3. Perform a software restart on the Synergis™ unit.
  9. In Config Tool, create a door and associate the hardware to it.
  10. Create numeric custom fields for DoorInReaderType and DoorOutReaderType.
    NOTE: Leave the Default value set to 0, and use the same Group name for both custom fields.
    The following values are used by EntryPoint-Embedded:
    No EntryPoint-Embedded (Default setting)
    PKI + BIO
  11. In the Area view task, click the door's Custom fields tab.
  12. Set the custom field values for the reader types to 0.