Configuring access feedback on readers - IDEMIA Biometrics 3.1

Morpho Biometrics Plugin Guide 3.1

Applies to
IDEMIA Biometrics 3.1
Last updated
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
IDEMIA Biometrics

To have a Morpho Sigma reader correctly display a message when access is granted or denied, you must configure the feedback settings on the reader.

Before you begin

Make sure that the LED outputs from the access control hardware are wired to the LED inputs of the Morpho hardware. For more information, consult your Morpho documentation.

What you should know

  • If the feedback setting is not correctly configured or physically wired, the reader may show access denied despite being granted access by the associated Synergis™ controller.
  • If the user interface described in this topic differs from what you have, ensure that you are running a compatible version of the software.


  1. Open the reader's configuration web page.
  2. Under Control Configuration, click Controller Feedback.
  3. Under Controller Feedback Settings, do the following:
    1. Set Remote Message Feedback Interface to Feedback over TTL.
    2. Set Feedback lines to One feedback line.
    3. Set Timeout to 2000ms.
  4. Configure the pulse settings as shown in the following table.
    Settings   Pulse width (ms) Pulse interval (ms)
    Granted High 100 100
    Denied None 200 200
  5. Click Save.
  6. Clear the Display User ID on Access Granted check box.
    IMPORTANT: The User ID is the entire credential as configured in Security Center, so it must never be displayed.