Raising event notifications on all entities or the source entity in the Receiver extension - Receiver 3.1.1

Receiver Intrusion Detection Extension Guide 3.1.1

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Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

You can configure the Receiver extension to display a receiver event notification icon on the source of the event or on all related entities in the tree.

What you should know

When events are reported on the source entity only (see callout A in the image below), you get fewer notifications in the Monitoring event pane and the Receiver activities report. When events are reported on all related entities (see callout B in the image below), the same event is repeated for the source entity and all its parent entities.

Choose All related entities when you want to generate reports of all the events on a particular intrusion panel.


  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Intrusion detection task.
  2. In the entity tree, select the alarm receiver.
  3. Click the Properties tab.
  4. In the Notifications section, choose one of the following:
    • Set the Trigger on slider to Source entity for the system to report an event only on the entity that is the source of the event. When you choose this option, you see fewer event notifications, but you cannot generate a report of all events that occurred on a specified panel.
    • Set the Trigger on slider to All related entities for the system to report an event on all related entities, such as the receiver, receiver unit, receiver area, and receiver input. When you choose this option, you get many event notifications for the same event, but you can generate a report of all events that occurred on a specified panel.
    The events are:
    Silence unmapped panels
    Ignore notifications from unmapped panels. For more information, see Silencing unmapped intrusion panels connected to alarm receivers.
    Receiver heartbeat
    Enable heartbeat notifications. For more information, see Configuring heartbeat monitoring of alarm receivers in the Receiver extension.
    Message could not be parsed
    The DSC Sur-Gard receiver is configured to send the data in a format that is unreadable by the parser.
    Event code is not mapped
    a DSC event code is not mapped to a custom event. For more information, see Configuring DSC Sur-Gard event code mappings in the Receiver extension.
    The following image shows the difference between source only (A) and all related (B) in the events pane of the Monitoring task.

    If you chose to see an event on all related entities (B), then in the Receiver activities report you can generate a report for a panel and see the events from related areas and inputs.