Quick search does not show thumbnails in Security Desk - Security Center 5.9 - 5.12

Troubleshooting video units and cameras in Security Center

Security Center
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Last updated

Users do not see thumbnails when they use Quick search in Security Desk if the recording is performed on the edge device. To resolve this issue, you must disable thumbnail queries from Security Desk to the Archiver by adding a setting to the SecurityDesk.exe.gconfig file. If the recording is done by the Archiver, make sure that thumbnail requests are enabled on the Archiver role.

NOTE: Thumbnails are not supported by cameras that use fusion stream encryption for video streams that are in transit and at rest.

Recording is performed on the edge devices

Description: By default, Security Desk queries the Archiver for video thumbnails. However, if the recording is not done by the Archiver, no thumbnails can be returned by the latter.

Solution: Turn off the default behavior so Security Desk would stop asking the Archiver for thumbnails and generate the thumbnails itself.

  1. On the Security Desk workstation, go to the Security Center installation folder.

    The default on a 64-bit machine is C:\Program Files (x86)\Genetec Security Center .

  2. Open with a text editor, the file SecurityDesk.exe.gconfig.
  3. Add the following line immediately after the line containing <visitorManagement .../>.
    <quickSearch thumbnailQuery="false"/>
  4. Save your changes and close the file.
  5. Restart Security Desk.

Thumbnail requests are not enabled on the Archiver role

Description: Thumbnail requests are enabled on all Archiver roles by default. If you are sure that the recording is done by the Archiver, verify that thumbnail requests are enabled.

Solution: To enable thumbnail requests on an Archiver role:
  1. From the Config Tool homepage, open the Video task.
  2. Select the Archiver role to configure, and then click the Resources tab.
  3. Click Advanced settings.
  4. In the dialog box that opens, turn on the Enable thumbnail requests option.
  5. Click OK > Apply.

    The Archiver automatically restarts. This should take 1-3 seconds.