Creating virtual OSDP readers in the Cloud Link Roadrunner™ Portal - Cloud Link Roadrunner™ 2.0.4

Cloud Link Roadrunner™ User Guide 2.0.4

Cloud Link Roadrunner™
Content type
Guides > User guides
Last updated

You can create virtual readers from a physical OSDP reader so that you can control all the doors in a cabinet, using only a single physical reader.


  1. Log on to the Cloud Link Roadrunner™ unit.
  2. Click Configuration > Hardware.
  3. At the top of the Hardware column, click Add ().
  4. In the Add hardware dialog box, configure the following:
    Hardware type
    Select Virtual.
    Select the reader from which you want to create virtual readers.
    Door code
    Enter a code, and then click Add. The virtual reader and its door code will be listed. Enter additional door codes to create more virtual readers as required.
  5. Click Save.


The Virtual integration is added to the Hardware column. When you click the Virtual integration, the virtual channel created from the physical reader is listed in the Channels column, and the virtual readers are listed in the Interfaces column.

In Config Tool, the Virtual integration on the Hardware page of the Cloud Link Roadrunner™ unit is updated to display the virtual reader configuration, and the virtual readers replace the physical reader on the Peripherals page.

After you finish

  • (Optional) You can modify the door code of a virtual reader by clicking beside the virtual reader, or create additional virtual readers for the same virtual channel by clicking at the top of the Interfaces column.
  • Configure your cabinet doors to use the virtual readers in Config Tool.