Genetec Patroller™ main window for MLPI - Genetec Patroller™ 6.6

Genetec Patroller™ MLPI User Guide 6.6

Genetec Patroller™
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Guides > User guides
Last updated

This section introduces you to the main components of Genetec Patroller™.

A Notification bar The information displayed in the notification bar depends on how Genetec Patroller™ is configured.

Generally, you’ll see basic information, such as the current time and date, your Genetec Patroller™ username, parking facility rules, and so on. There are also icons to notify you if a connection has been lost, or if an offload didn’t complete in a previous session.

NOTE: If Genetec Patroller™ requires an update, you’ll see the update icon appear () in the notification bar.
B Search Search for captured reads and hits.
C Plate review reel See plate reads live as they occur.
You can review reads and hits from the plate review reel, and search for specific license plates.
  • To view more information about a read, tap the item on the plate review reel.
  • To navigate through the list, swipe the plate review reel left or right, or touch and hold the left and right arrows.
D Selected read Tap a read to review it in the information panel.
E Go live button Tap to resume tracking live reads.
F Camera Displays which camera detected the read.
G License plate value Tap to modify the read. In order to modify a read, the Enable read modification option must be turned on in Genetec Patroller™ Config Tool.
H Delete read Tap to delete the read. In order to delete a read, the Enable read deletion option must be turned on in Genetec Patroller™ Config Tool.
I Information panel See information about a read or hit such as the ALPR image, zone, and so on. You can also modify and delete plate reads from the information panel.
J Main viewer Displays the context image of the vehicle.
K Zoom controls Control the behavior of the Main viewer.
  • To zoom in, tap the (+) button.
  • To zoom out, tap the (-) button.
L Pause/Resume reading Pauses and resumes plate reading for all Sharps installed on the vehicle.
M Toolbar
Allows you to see all hits.
Allows you to move to the previous location (sector and row) in your route.
Allows you to move to the next location (sector and row) in your route.
NOTE: When you tap Previous or Next, the location is automatically updated in the Notification bar.
Parking facility
Allows you to choose whether you want to patrol a predefined route or a specific area, and the starting point for the patrol.
Manual Capture
Capture a license plate by typing the plate information manually.
New wanted
Manually add a license plate to the patrol vehicle's local database on the in-vehicle computer, so Genetec Patroller™ can generate a hit if the plate is captured. New wanted license plate values are not part of any hotlist files and not pushed to any other patrol vehicles or Security Center.
Offload ALPR data at the end of a shift.
Adjust basic Genetec Patroller™ options such as volume.
View Genetec Patroller™ statistics, download status, diagnostics, error messages, and version information.
Turn plate reading on or off for any individual Sharp camera installed on your vehicle. The icon displayed on the toolbar changes depending on how many Sharps are installed on the vehicle. For example, if you have two Sharps installed (one on the front left and one on the front right) you will see the “Both” arrow icon. When you have cameras installed on the rear of the vehicle, the cameras icon is displayed.
View the live video feed from the Sharp unit’s ALPR camera or context camera.