If the Archiver role has stopped recording video and the logs indicate that the role can’t record to any drive, there might be an issue with the disk or the role configuration. To help you troubleshoot this issue, learn about its possible causes and their respective solutions.
Storage drives not accessible
Description of cause: The storage drives that are selected in the Resources tab of the Archiver role are inaccessible (icons are red) and Security Center can’t communicate with the drives.
- If the drives are local to the Archiver server, do the following:
- Log on to the server using the same credentials that the Genetec™ Server service uses (verified by running services.msc from the Windows Start menu).
- In Windows Explorer, find the folder where the archived footage is
Enable Show hidden files, folders, and drives in case the folder is hidden.
- Try creating a simple text file.
If you can’t create the text file, you don’t have the required write privileges. To get the required privileges, contact your administrator.
- If the drives are hosted elsewhere on the network, do the following:
- Log on to the affected Archiver server using the same credentials that the Genetec Server service uses (verified by running services.msc from the Windows Start menu).
- Open Windows Explorer and try accessing the remote drives.
- If you can’t access one ore more of the remote drives, either your access is denied because you aren’t in the list of permitted users for those drives, or there’s a communication failure between the Archiver and the remote drives. This failure is most likely caused by a network issue. Try investigating and repairing the issue.
- If you can access the remote drives, do the following:
- In Windows Explorer, find the folder where the archived footage is
Enable Show hidden files, folders, and drives in case the folder is hidden.
- Try creating a simple text file.
If you can’t create the text file, you don’t have the required write privileges. To get the required privileges, contact your administrator.
- In Windows Explorer, find the folder where the archived footage is
Recording disk full
Description of cause: All disks allotted for archiving are full and the Archiver is unable to free disk space by deleting existing video files. This event can occur when another application has used up all the disk space reserved for Security Center, or when the Delete oldest files when disks are full option isn’t selected in for the Archiver. When an Archiver's disks are full, archiving is stopped. The Archiver re-evaluates the disk space every 30 seconds.
You can verify the statistics of the drives by checking the free space compared to the minimum free space in the Resources tab of the Archiver role. You can also check for disk full or disk 80% events in the Archiver logs (C:\ArchiverLogs by default).
- Ensure that the Archiver role is set to delete oldest files first when the disk is full.
- In the Camera default settings tab of the Archiver role, reduce the Automatic Cleanup threshold so that older archives are deleted automatically.
- Lower the retention period of the recordings.
- In the Resources tab of the Archiver role, reduce the Min. free space value. Make sure that the minimum free space value is at least 0.2% of the value of the total size.
- Increase your storage capacity by adding more storage drives to the server.
Recording disk full due to orphan files
- Automatic cleanup (Camera default settings tab of Archiver role)
- Delete oldest files when disks are full (Resources tab of Archiver role).
Solution: Check whether orphan files are present. If you find orphan files, delete them to free up disk space or re-integrate them into the database. For more information, see Finding orphan files on your system.
Missing read/write access
Description of cause: The user running the Genetec Server service does not have read/write access to the storage disk.
To check the read/write access on the storage disk in Windows, right-click the recording drive, click
.Solution: For both the storage disk and its subfolders, grant read/write access to the user running the Genetec Server service.
To assign full access privileges to the user, click
, or click .Hardware or software issues
Description of cause: The disk on the server hosting the Archiver role is experiencing hardware or software issues.
- In Windows, check if there are any disk errors in the Device Manager.
- In Windows Event Viewer, check if there are any errors or unusual messages in the event logs.
- Run a diagnostic check, using your storage's dedicated diagnostic tool.