Creating Bosch intrusion panel users from Security Center cardholder groups - Bosch intrusion panel 4.4

Bosch Intrusion Panel Extension Guide 4.4.1

Applies to
Bosch intrusion panel 4.4
Last updated
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Bosch intrusion panel

To push cardholder groups from Security Centerto the Bosch panel, you must add the group in the extension and then push them to the panel.

Before you begin

What you should know

  • This feature is only supported on Bosch B series and G series intrusion panels in Mode 2. GV4 v2 panels do not support this feature.
  • When a cardholder group is removed from the Bosch panel, all cardholders who were added to the panel as part of the group are removed. If a cardholder was added to the panel individually and then added to the group, they will remain on the panel.
  • When a cardholder group is mapped to the Bosch panel, any cardholder groups that are nested under it will also be mapped to the panel.
  • If a cardholder belongs to multiple groups, their authority levels are merged and they are provided the highest available authority level.
  • Users must have at least one authority level to be pushed to the panel.


  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Intrusion detection task.
  2. Expand the Intrusion Manager role from the entity browser, and select the intrusion detection unit you want to configure.
  3. Click the Users tab.
  4. In the Group mappings section, click Insert an item ().
  5. From the dialog box that opens, select a cardholder group, and then click OK.
    NOTE: You can add All cardholders to the Group mappings table, but pushing that group to the panel is not supported.
    The cardholder group is displayed in the group mappings table.

  6. In the Authority levels column, click Edit.
  7. In the Area authorities dialog box, set at least one authority level to a value greater than zero, and then click OK.
    NOTE: When editing the authority levels of a cardholder, the authority levels inherited from the cardholder groups they belong to are displayed.
  8. In the Configuration section, use the Highest authority level toggle to choose if a low number or high number provides the most rights.
    NOTE: This only applies to cardholders who are mapped from a cardholder group. It does not apply to cardholders who are added individually.
  9. (Optional) Configure the User group, Primary language, and Supervised settings.
    NOTE: Cardholders automatically inherit these settings (including the authority levels) from their cardholder group after the first import to the user mappings table. Subsequent changes to the group settings must be manually synchronized by clicking the Push group settings to mapped users button.
  10. Select the Synchronize with user mappings option for the cardholders in the group to be automatically synchronized in the user mappings table.
    NOTE: If this option is not enabled, you must click the Import cardholders from selected groups button for the cardholders in the selected groups to be added to the user mappings table. Deleting cardholders from the groups is not reflected in the user mappings table. You must manually delete cardholders from the table.
  11. Click Apply.


All the cardholders in the cardholder group are added to the User mappings table, and are added to the panel. With the Synchronize with user mappings option enabled, when cardholders are added to or deleted from the group, they are automatically added to or deleted from the user mappings table. However, if a cardholder was added to the panel individually and then added to the group, they will remain on the panel.