Adding data points to HTTP devices - Industrial IoT | BACnet | Modbus | OPC Client | SNMP Manager

Industrial IoT Plugin Guide

Applies to
Industrial IoT | BACnet | Modbus | OPC Client | SNMP Manager
Last updated
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Industrial IoT

To monitor the data points of an HTTP device or entity, you must add them to the device or entity in Security Center.

Before you begin


  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Plugins task.
  2. Select an HTTP device or entity.
  3. In the Data points section, click Add a data point ()
    The Add a data point dialog box opens.
    Dialog box for adding HTTP data point.
  4. Enter the following information:
    The name of the data point.
    JSON path
    The JSON path that will be used to extract the value from the JSON payload in regards to the data point.

    If the data point value does not appear within a JSON payload sent to the plugin with the correct device ID, then the data point value will not be updated.

    Value type
    The type of information reported by the input (data point).
    Access level
    Indicates whether the selected data point is read-only or read-write. This field is automatically displayed by the plugin role.
    Unit name
    (Optional) The measurement unit of the data point.
    Unit symbol
    (Optional) The symbol representing the measurement unit.
  5. Click Add to add another data point or click Add and Close.
    The data point is displayed in the Data points section.
  6. Click Apply.