Creating the GenetecVSO macro - Security Center Transportation Sensor Management 2.3

Security Center Transportation Sensor Management Plugin Guide 2.3

Applies to
Security Center Transportation Sensor Management 2.3
Last updated
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Security Center Transportation Sensor Management

To simulate TSS data to be used as Genetec™ events, you must first create the Genetec™VSO macro.

What you should know

  • Using the GenetecVSO macro, you can send simulated TSS data.
  • Using the GentecVSO-interval macro, you can send TSS data at an interval for a set amount of time.

    To use this macro, add FrequencySecondsPerEvent and Number_of_runs.


  1. Open the System task, then click General settings and select the Events page.
  2. From the entity tree, select the TSS zone data input event, and take note of the string in the Value column.
  3. Select the Macros page.
  4. Click Macro () and enter a name for the macro.
  5. Click the Properties tab.
  6. Click Import from file, and in the Macros folder, select the GenetecVSO or GentecVSO-interval macro file.
    NOTE: If the file is missing, contact the Intelligent Mobility team at
  7. Click the Default context execution tab, and in the Custom event ID field, enter the Value you copied from the TSS zone data input event.
  8. Click Apply.