Exposure time for Flexreader™ cameras - Flexreader™ 6.1

AutoVu™ Flexreader™ User Guide 6.1

Applies to
Flexreader™ 6.1
Last updated
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides

When configuring a camera for use with the Flexreader™ plugin, it is important to limit the exposure time (shutter time) of the camera to prevent motion blur. Motion blur appears when vehicles move too quickly for the configured maximum exposure time.

You can usually find settings to limit the exposure time in the camera setup page accessible via a web browser connected to the IP camera.

Image with motion blur

Consider the following when selecting a camera location:

  • If the camera is installed at smaller angle with respect to the straight-on view, there will be less motion blur for the same vehicle speed and the exposure time can be set to a longer time.
  • If vehicles come to a complete stop in front of the camera, no special configuration is needed for the maximum exposure time.