Enabling intrusion areas to be triggered in Security Center - Bosch intrusion panel 4.4

Bosch Intrusion Panel Extension Guide 4.4

Applies to
Bosch intrusion panel 4.4
Last updated
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Bosch intrusion panel

Intrusion areas on a Bosch intrusion panel can be remotely triggered from Security Center by configuring a virtual output point in RPS and Config Tool. This allows Security Center users and actions to trigger intrusion panel workflows, such as activating horns and sirens, or contacting the authorities.

Before you begin

In the POINTS section of the Bosch Remote Programming Software (RPS), create a new point and set the Point Source to Output for each point on the panel that you want to use to trigger an alarm. Make sure to configure the profile and area for each point, so they can then be used in Security Center to trigger alarms for the areas that the points are associated with. For more information about configuring a Point Source as an Output using Bosch RPS, see your Bosch documentation.

What you should know

Triggering intrusion alarms on intrusion detection areas is only supported using Bosch GV4 panels with firmware v2, and Bosch B series and G series panels.


  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Intrusion detection task.
  2. Expand the Intrusion Manager role from the entity browser, and select the intrusion detection unit you want to configure.
  3. Click the Properties tab.
  4. Under Trigger alarms by output, select which Output to associate with each intrusion detection area on the panel.
    NOTE: In order to appear in an Output list, an output point must be associated with an area Bosch RPS.
  5. Click Apply.


You can now use the Trigger intrusion alarm command in the Intrusion detection area widget to trigger an alarm in Security Desk for the configured areas.