Scheduling and automating cardholder export - DMP intrusion panel 4.3.0

DMP Intrusion Panel Extension Guide 4.3.0

DMP intrusion panel
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

You can configure the extension to push cardholders to the panel when changes are made, at a specific time each day, or only manually.

What you should know

Push to panel
Exports all Security Center cardholders to the panel and converts them to user codes. Updates, adds, and deletes user codes to match the cardholders in Security Center.


  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Intrusion detection task.
  2. From the Config Tool home page, open the Intrusion detection task.
  3. Click the User Codes tab.
  4. If this panel has never been synchronized, the options in the Push section are unavailable. Either click Pull from panel or Force push to panel, and wait for the operation to finish.
  5. In the Push section, choose one of the following synchronization options:
    After each change
    When a cardholder is changed in Security Center, it is immediately and automatically pushed to the corresponding user account on the intrusion panel. The relevant changes included are:
    • cardholder added to a group
    • cardholder removed from a group
    • cardholder group moved into another group
    • cardholder modified
    • cardholder activated
    • cardholder deactivated
    • credential of a cardholder modified
    • credential added
    • credential removed
    • credential activated
    • credential deactivated
    Daily at
    Every day at the specified time, all selected cardholders are pushed to the intrusion panel.
    Manual only
    When selected, a user must click Push to panel from the intrusion detection unit's User codes tab. This is the default setting.
  6. Click Apply.