Time zones on the DMP Intrusion Panel - DMP intrusion panel 4.3.0

DMP Intrusion Panel Extension Guide 4.3.0

DMP intrusion panel
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

To configure time zones on the DMP Intrusion Panel use the number that corresponds to the time zone you want to use.

Refer to the following table for the time zone value you must enter in the Hours from GMT field.

GMT City/Time zone
0 London, Monrovia, Lisbon, Dublin, Casablanca, Edinburgh
1 Cape Verde Island, Azores
2 Mid-Atlantic, Fernando de Noronha
3 Buenos Aires, Georgetown, Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro
4 Atlantic Time (Canada), Caracas, La Paz, Santiago
5 Eastern Time (US, Canada), Bogota, Lima, Arequipa
6 Central Time (US, Canada), Mexico City, Saskatchewan
7 Mountain Time (US, Canada), Edmonton
8 Pacific Time (US, Canada), Tijuana
9 Alaska
10 Hawaii
11 Midway Island, Samoa
12 Fiji, Marshall Islands, Wellington, Auckland, Kwjalein, Kamchatka
13 New Caledonia
14 Guam, Sydney
15 Tokyo, Seoul
16 Hong Kong, Singapore
17 Bangkok, Hanoi
18 Dhaka, Almaty
19 Islamabad, Karachi
20 Abu Dhabi, Kazan
21 Moscow, Baghdad
22 Eastern Europe
23 Rome, Paris, Berlin