An add-on is a software package that adds tasks, tools, or
specific configuration settings to Security
Center systems.
Advanced Enrollment
The Advanced Enrollment plugin integrates ID card
printers and encoders into Security
Using this plugin, you can print ID badges that can be read by QR code and barcode
scanners, magstripe readers or contactless card readers. You can create ID badge
templates to print and encode cards for an individual cardholder or batches of
cardholders. You can also import personnel data from a third-party system to create
cardholders and credentials.
Entities are the basic building blocks of Security
Center. Everything
that requires configuration is represented by an entity. An entity can represent a
physical device, such as a camera or a door, or an abstract concept, such as an alarm, a
schedule, a user, a role, a plugin, or an add-on.
expansion server
An expansion server is any server machine in a Security
system that does not host the Directory role. The purpose of the expansion server is to
add to the processing power of the system.
A plugin (in lowercase) is a software component that adds a
specific feature to an existing program. Depending on the context, plugin can refer
either to the software component itself or to the software package used to install the
software component.
Plugin (with an uppercase, in singular) is the role
template that serves to create specific plugin roles.
plugin role
A plugin role adds optional features to Security
Center. A plugin role is created by using
the Plugin role template. By default, it is represented by an orange puzzle piece
in the Roles view of the System task.
Before you can create a plugin role, the software
package specific to that role must be installed on your system.
The Plugins task is an administration
task that you can use to configure plugin-specific roles and related
A role is a software component that performs a specific job within
Center. To execute a role, you must assign one or more servers to host