Error: Encrypted video stream not supported by the client - CCURE 3.7.0

CCURE Video Integration Plugin Guide 3.7.0

C•CURE 9000 Video
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

When you try to get live or recorded video from a Security Center camera in CCURE 9000 server, you see the message Error: Encrypted stream is not supported by the client.


The video stream is encrypted by Security Center, and the CCURE 9000 server is missing the private key required to decode the video stream.


Decrypt the video stream on the CCURE 9000 server by exporting the private key from the Security Center main server, and then importing the private key on your CCURE 9000 server.

To decrypt the video stream on the CCURE 9000 server:
  1. Find out which certificate you need to export.
    1. On the main server, open Server Admin.
    2. In the Secure Communication section, take note of issued to, issued by, and expiration date.

  2. On the main server, export the certificate.
  3. On the CCURE 9000 server, import the private key .pfk.
  4. Open CCURE 9000 and get the video stream from the Security Center camera.

    You now see video as expected.

Learn more about encryption in Security Center

To learn more about how encryption works in Security Center, refer to the following topics in the Security Center Administrator Guide.